Is the start-stop system dangerous for the engine?
Articles,  Car device,  Machine operation

Is the start-stop system dangerous for the engine?

The automatic engine start / stop system was originally developed by Toyota in Japan to save fuel. In the first versions, the engine could be turned off with a button as soon as it reached operating temperature. When the traffic light turned green, the engine could be started by slightly pressing the accelerator.

The system was updated after 2000. Although the button was still available, it was now fully automatic. The engine was turned off when it was idling and the clutch was released. Activation was carried out by pressing the accelerator pedal or by shifting the gear.

Is the start-stop system dangerous for the engine?

Cars equipped with an automatic Start / Stop system have a more capacious battery and a powerful starter. This is necessary to instantly and frequently start the engine during the life of the car.

System advantages

The main advantage of the automatic start / stop system is fuel economy for longer periods of inactivity, for example, at traffic lights, in traffic jams or at a closed railway crossing. This option is most often used in urban mode.

Is the start-stop system dangerous for the engine?

Since less exhaust enters the atmosphere during machine downtime, one more advantage of such a system is environmental concern.

System flaws

However, there are disadvantages, and they are mainly associated with the limited use of the car. When the battery is low or the engine has not yet warmed up, the start / stop system remains off.

If you have not fastened your seat belt or the air conditioning system is working, the function also turns off. If the driver’s door or trunk lid is not closed, this also requires manual starting or stopping the motor.

Is the start-stop system dangerous for the engine?

Another negative factor is the fast discharge of the battery (depending on the frequency of the start and stop cycles of the engine).

How much harms the motor?

The system does not harm the engine itself, since it only activates when the unit reaches its operating temperature. Starting too often with a cold engine can damage it, so the efficiency and safety (for internal combustion engines) of the system directly depends on the temperature of the power unit.

Although various manufacturers integrate the system into their vehicles, it is not yet included in the basic equipment of all vehicles of the latest generation.

Questions and answers:

How to use the start / stop button in the car? To start the engine, the key card must be in the field of action of the immobilizer sensor. The protection is removed by pressing the start / stop button. After the beep, the same button is pressed twice.

What devices are used in Start Stop systems? Such systems allow you to temporarily turn off the engine during a short-term idle time of the machine (for example, in a traffic jam). The system uses a reinforced starter, starter-generator and direct injection.

How to enable the start-stop function? In vehicles equipped with this system, this function is automatically activated when the power unit is started. The system is deactivated by pressing the corresponding button, and is activated after selecting the economical operation mode of the internal combustion engine.

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