Error 17142 - causes and how to fix

Error 17142 - causes and how to fix

Audi error code 17142 is a common problem faced by Audi car owners. This error code usually indicates a problem with the engine control module or communication between the module and other vehicle components. In this article, we will delve into the causes of error code 17142 and provide possible solutions to help you fix the problem and get your Audi back on the road.

Understanding Audi Error Code 17142:

Error code 17142 is often associated with communication errors between the engine control module and various sensors or actuators in the vehicle. This can happen in different Audi models and can cause the check engine light on the dashboard to come on.

Possible reasons for error code 17142:

Several factors can contribute to error code 17142:
1) Faulty Wiring: Damaged or loose wiring connections between the engine control module and other components can disrupt communication signals, resulting in an error code.
2) Faulty Sensors: Faulty sensors such as an oxygen sensor or mass air flow sensor can cause inaccurate data transmission and trigger an error code.
3) Software issues: Outdated or corrupted software in the engine control module can lead to communication errors and error code 17142.
4) Faulty engine control module: in some cases, the cause of the error code may be the faulty engine control module itself.

Error 17142 - causes and how to fix

Steps to resolve error code 17142:

While it is recommended to see a professional mechanic or an authorized Audi service center for a thorough diagnosis and repair, you can try the following steps as initial troubleshooting steps:
1) Check for loose or damaged wires: Inspect the wiring harnesses connected to the engine control module and related sensors. Make sure all connections are secure and not damaged. Repair or replace faulty wiring as needed.
2) Clean or replace sensors: If the error code persists, consider cleaning or replacing the sensors that may be causing the problem, such as the oxygen sensor or mass air flow sensor. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and refer to the repair manual.
3) Update Engine Control Module Software: Check for available software updates for your specific Audi model. Manufacturers frequently release software updates to address known issues and improve performance. Contact an authorized Audi workshop for assistance in updating the software.
4) Engine control module replacement: If all other troubleshooting steps fail to resolve the error code, the engine control module may need to be replaced. This is a more complex repair and should be carried out by a qualified mechanic or Audi technician.

Seeking professional help:

If your attempts to resolve error code 17142 have not been successful, it is recommended that you seek professional help. An Audi Certified Technician has the experience, specialized tools and diagnostic equipment to accurately diagnose and fix complex problems with the engine control module and other components.


Audi error code 17142 can be frustrating for Audi owners, but with proper diagnosis and troubleshooting, it can be resolved. By checking for loose or damaged wires, checking and replacing faulty sensors, updating the engine control module software, and seeking professional help if necessary, you can eliminate the root causes of the error code and restore your Audi to optimal performance. Be sure to contact an authorized Audi service center or a qualified mechanic for advice and ensure that the problem is properly resolved.

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  • Nabil Dalibeh

    What does the turtle sign mean on the dashboard of an electric car?

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