Motorcycle Device

Motorcycle Tire Feature: Moto-Station Tells You Everything About Your Undercarriage

The company recently completed training at the Tire and Wheeled Train School, initiated by manufacturer Bridgestone at the CCI Le Mans training arm. This training includes several modules on motorcycle tire and chassis technology.

The Tire and Rental Train School is a training course organized by the manufacturer Bridgestone with the technical and logistical support of the Le Mans Chamber of Commerce's training department. It allows adult learners of bicycles and motorcycles to improve their skills in basic tire and chassis issues.

EPTR consists of several modules covering a variety of areas, from the full study of suspension to technical sales strategy. Moto-Station continued this training with an abridged press version. Thus, we were able to solve several issues related to the functioning of the tire, chassis, related phenomena and new trends arising in connection with them.

In addition, we decided to highlight several points of this training in order to present certain general provisions, but, above all, to give practical answers to certain specific problems, questions that many users ask themselves. This file will also allow us to group various practical articles related to the tire world.

Please note that we have already devoted an article to the production and technology of road tires and have prepared many practical materials on this topic: flat tire repair, motorcycle tire replacement for less than € 100, buying guide 2011, tires for GT or Sport GT. as well as a handy warning if you have a motorcycle equipped with pressure sensors.

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