P0289 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit High
OBD2 Error Codes

P0289 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit High

P0289 – Technical description of the OBD-II fault code

Cylinder No. 10 Injector Circuit High Signal

What does trouble code P0289 mean?

Code P0289 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that relates to the vehicle's OBD-II enabled transmission system. Despite its versatility, the specific steps to fix the problem may vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Code P0289 indicates the current consumption of the No. 10 fuel injector serving the tenth cylinder of the engine. Problems with the operation of this injector may be due to defects in its circuit.

P0289 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit High

Possible reasons

Potential Causes of DTC: P0289

Trouble code P0289 can occur due to various reasons, including the following:

  1. Faulty electrical harness: Problems in the electrical harness that connects the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) to the fuel injector can cause this code.
  2. Faulty electrical connector: A damaged or faulty connector that is connected to the fuel injector may also be the cause.
  3. Injector internal short circuit: If the fuel injector is internally shorted, it may cause high voltage draw and cause code P0289.
  4. Clogged or dirty nozzle: The presence of buildup or contaminants in the fuel injector can also cause this code.
  5. Faulty injector wiring: Problems with the wiring connecting the injector to the rest of the system can be a source of error.
  6. Short circuit to ground: If the injector shorts to ground, it can also cause a P0289 code.
  7. Faulty ECM (rare): In rare cases, a faulty Electronic Control Module (ECM) may cause this code.

Understanding these potential causes will help you make a more accurate diagnosis and resolve the P0289 code.

What are the symptoms of trouble code P0289?

Symptoms and manifestations of code P0289

When a P0289 code occurs, it may be accompanied by various symptoms and indicators. Key features include:

  1. Malfunction indicator: The check engine light will most likely come on on the instrument panel after the P0289 code is set.
  2. Less fuel consumption: There is usually a decrease in fuel economy compared to normal operation.
  3. Knocking in the engine: Unusual engine knocking noises may indicate a misfire associated with this code.
  4. Rough engine work: The engine may be unstable because not all cylinders are firing correctly.

In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

  • The engine may not idle well.
  • Reduced fuel economy.
  • A noticeable lack of power, which can manifest itself in poor acceleration.

With these symptoms in mind, it is important to respond to the P0289 code and carry out diagnosis and repair to avoid further engine problems.

How to diagnose trouble code P0289?

Diagnose and repair code P0289

When a P0289 code occurs, diagnosis and possible repairs must be made. The diagnostic process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Erasing code: The first step is to erase the code from the car's computer.
  2. Test Drive: The mechanic does a short test drive to determine if the code resets.
  3. Visual inspection: A mechanic inspects the fuel injector, wiring harness, and connector.
  4. Connector Inspection: Particular attention should be paid to checking the electrical connector on the fuel injector. Its condition, presence of corrosion, bent or damaged contacts.
  5. Cleaning the fuel injector: In case the problem is a clogged or dirty fuel injector, cleaning the injector can be done to restore normal operation.
  6. Check and replace: If after diagnosis a fault is detected in the fuel injector or its connector, they may require replacement.
  7. Rechecking and erasing the code: After the repair, the mechanic will clear the code from the computer again and check the vehicle to make sure the fuel injector is working properly and the code does not return.

From experience, the problem is often associated with a corroded or loose fuel injector connector or the injector itself. A corroded connector increases resistance, requiring higher voltage to operate. The fuel injector is subject to wear, especially when using anhydrous ethanol (E10) fuel.

If the P0289 code reappears after diagnosis and possible repairs, the fuel injector may need to be replaced.

Diagnostic errors

Errors when diagnosing code P0289

When diagnosing the P0289 code, there are common mistakes that you should avoid:

  1. Suggestion of dirty injector: One of the most common mistakes is to automatically assume that the problem is due to a dirty fuel injector. This may lead to an attempt to clean an injector that is, in fact, faulty.
  2. Insufficient connector check: Another common mistake is not checking the fuel injector connector and wiring harness enough for damage or corrosion. This aspect also requires attention when diagnosing the P0289 code.

How serious is trouble code P0289?

Significance of P0289 code

Code P0289, although it does not affect the vehicle's drivability, has serious consequences for your engine. A faulty injector or injector connector can cause the cylinder to malfunction, which in turn can cause engine damage. To prevent such negative consequences, it is recommended to diagnose and immediately fix the problem.

What repairs will resolve the P0289 code?

Various repair methods are available to resolve the P0289 code, depending on the underlying problem. Possible options include:

  1. Replacing a faulty fuel injector.
  2. Cleaning a dirty or clogged fuel injector.
  3. Repair or replace a damaged or corroded connector.
  4. Replacing damaged wiring on the fuel injector (rare).
What is P0289 Engine Code [Quick Guide]

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