Description of DTC P0667
OBD2 Error Codes

P0667 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor "A" Out of Performance Range

P0667 – OBD-II Trouble Code Technical Description

Trouble code P0667 indicates a problem with the powertrain control module (PCM), engine control module (ECM), or transmission control module (TCM) internal temperature sensor.

What does the fault code mean P0667?

Trouble code P0667 indicates a problem with the Engine Control Module (ECM), Transmission Control Module (TCM), or Powertrain Control Module (PCM) internal temperature sensor. The specific meaning of this error may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the vehicle. However, in general, a P0667 code indicates a problem with the sensor that measures the internal temperature of one of these modules. If the temperature reading is outside the normal range, this may cause this error to appear on the instrument panel.

Fault code P0667.

Possible reasons

Some possible reasons for the P0667 trouble code:

  • Temperature sensor malfunction: The sensor itself or its connections may be damaged or corroded.
  • Wiring or connections: Opens, shorts or other problems with the wiring, connections or connectors connecting the temperature sensor to the ECM/TCM/PCM.
  • ECM/TCM/PCM malfunction: The engine, transmission, or powertrain control module itself may be experiencing problems, including internal component failures or software errors.
  • Power problems: The voltage supplied to the temperature sensor may be incorrect due to problems with the power supply or generator.
  • Cooling problems: If the cooling system is not functioning properly, it may result in incorrect temperature readings and therefore P0667.
  • Software problems: Sometimes errors can occur due to problems in the vehicle's software, such as errors in calibration or settings.

If DTC P0667 occurs, it is recommended that you have a qualified technician diagnose and repair the problem.

What are the symptoms of a fault code? P0667?

Symptoms associated with a P0667 trouble code can vary and depend on the specific cause of the code as well as the specific vehicle, some common symptoms that may occur are:

  • Check Engine Light: The appearance and/or flashing of the Check Engine light on the vehicle's dashboard, indicating a problem with the engine or transmission control system.
  • Incorrect engine operation: There may be engine performance problems such as rough idle, low power, poor performance, or starting problems.
  • Gear shifting problems: If the problem is with the transmission control module (TCM), you may experience difficulty shifting, jerking, or delays when shifting gears.
  • Loss of power: The vehicle may experience a loss of power due to improper operation of the engine management system.
  • Increased fuel consumption: Incorrect engine or transmission control may result in increased fuel consumption.
  • Unusual sounds or vibrations: Improper operation of the engine or transmission may result in unusual sounds or vibrations while driving.

These symptoms may manifest differently depending on the type and model of your vehicle, as well as the specifics of the problem.

How to diagnose a fault code P0667?

Diagnosing the P0667 trouble code requires a systematic approach and may require specialized equipment, a general set of steps to diagnose this problem are:

  1. Scan error code: Use an OBD-II scanner to read error codes from the memory of the control module (ECM, TCM or PCM). Check the P0667 code and any other related error codes.
  2. Checking connections and wiring: Carefully inspect the wiring and connectors connecting the temperature sensor to the control module. Make sure all connections are secure and there are no signs of corrosion, breaks or short circuits.
  3. Temperature sensor test: Check the functionality of the temperature sensor. Use a multimeter to test the sensor's resistance at various temperatures according to the manufacturer's specifications.
  4. Power check: Make sure the temperature sensor is receiving the correct voltage from the vehicle's power system. Check power and ground circuits for interruptions.
  5. Checking the control module: Check the operation of the control module (ECM, TCM or PCM). Make sure that the module receives the correct signals from the temperature sensor and is able to process this data correctly.
  6. Cooling system check: Check the condition of the cooling system, as cooling problems may affect the temperature sensor.
  7. Software check: If all other components appear to be OK, the problem may be with the control module software. Update your software or check with the manufacturer for updates.
  8. Real world testing: After completing all the above steps, test the vehicle under real driving conditions to ensure that the problem has been completely resolved.

If you are unable to diagnose it yourself or do not have the necessary equipment, it is recommended that you contact a professional auto mechanic or auto repair shop to further diagnose and fix the problem.

Diagnostic errors

When diagnosing the P0667 trouble code, there may be certain errors or difficulties that may make it difficult to identify and fix the problem, some of them are:

  • Lack of access to relevant components: In some vehicles, the temperature sensor or control modules may be located in hard-to-reach places, making diagnostics difficult.
  • Lack of specialized equipment: To check some components, such as a temperature sensor or control module, specialized equipment may be required, which is not always available to ordinary car enthusiasts.
  • Misinterpretation of diagnostic resultsNote: Interpretation of data obtained during the diagnostic process may require experience and knowledge of automotive systems and electronics. Misinterpretation of data can lead to erroneous conclusions and the replacement of unnecessary components.
  • Malfunctions may be related to other systems: Sometimes the symptoms associated with the P0667 trouble code can be caused by problems in other vehicle systems, making an accurate diagnosis difficult.
  • Component incompatibilityNote: When replacing components (such as a temperature sensor), it is important to ensure they are compatible with your specific vehicle make and model to avoid additional problems.
  • Difficulties with the softwareNote: Diagnosing control module software problems may require specialized equipment or access to specialized resources that may not be available to non-professional users.

How serious is the fault code? P0667?

The P0667 trouble code is not as critical as some other trouble codes, such as brake or engine problems. However, it indicates a problem in the engine or transmission control system, which can affect the vehicle's performance and, in some cases, lead to poor fuel economy and unwanted vibrations or noise.

For example, if the temperature sensor is faulty or giving incorrect data, it can lead to improper control of the fuel injection system or ignition timing, which can ultimately affect engine performance and efficiency.

Moreover, the presence of a P0667 trouble code may cause you to be denied inspection or other safety checks in some jurisdictions where such checks are required to register your vehicle on the road.

Overall, although the problem that causes the P0667 code is not always an immediate safety hazard, it should be taken seriously and corrected as soon as possible to avoid additional problems and keep your vehicle running optimally.

What repair will help eliminate the code? P0667?

Resolving trouble code P0667 may require different actions depending on the specific cause of the error, several possible repair actions are:

  1. Replacing the temperature sensor: If the temperature sensor is faulty or produces incorrect signals, it should be replaced. After replacing the sensor, it is necessary to re-diagnosis to ensure that the error has been eliminated.
  2. Checking and cleaning connections and connectors: Check the condition of the connections and connectors associated with the temperature sensor and ensure that they are securely connected and do not show signs of corrosion or oxidation. If necessary, they should be cleaned or replaced.
  3. Checking and replacing wiring: Check the wiring associated with the temperature sensor and replace any damaged or broken wires.
  4. Checking and updating software: If the problem is related to the control module software, try updating the software to the latest version or flashing the control module.
  5. Checking and replacing the control module: In some cases, the problem may be due to a problem with the control module itself (ECM, TCM or PCM). If other causes are excluded, the control module may require replacement.
  6. Diagnostics and repair of the cooling system: If the temperature problem is due to a malfunctioning cooling system, you will need to diagnose the cooling system and make any necessary repairs, including replacing the thermostat, cooler, or other components.

It is important to remember that resolving the P0667 code requires accurate diagnosis and may require some experience and skill in automotive repair. If you do not have experience or skills in this area, it is recommended that you contact a qualified auto mechanic or auto repair shop for professional diagnosis and repair.

How to Diagnose and Fix P0667 Engine Code - OBD II Trouble Code Explain

One comment

  • Karam Mansour

    Is it possible that the malfunction appears due to a defect in the battery?
    In other words, is it possible for the battery, if it is not in good condition, to generate more electricity for the temperature sensor to sense that its circuit has become hot???

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