Description of the P0736 fault code.
OBD2 Error Codes

P0736 Incorrect reverse gear ratio

P0736 – OBD-II Trouble Code Technical Description

Trouble code P0736 indicates that the PCM has detected an incorrect reverse gear ratio.

What does the fault code mean P0736?

Trouble code P0736 indicates problems with the reverse gear ratio in the automatic transmission. This means that the automatic transmission control module (PCM) has detected incorrect or inconsistent data when shifting into reverse or while driving in reverse. This problem may be due to improper operation of the torque converter or other defects in the gearbox. Code P0736 can cause the vehicle to move erratically or jerkily when moving in reverse, as well as impair the overall performance of the transmission.

Fault code P0736.

Possible reasons

Some of the possible causes of the P0736 trouble code are:

  • Low or dirty transmission fluid: Insufficient or contaminated transmission fluid can lead to improper operation of the hydraulic system and, as a result, incorrect gear shifting, including reverse gear.
  • Worn or damaged internal components: Worn or damaged parts inside the transmission, such as clutches, discs, pistons and other parts, can cause reverse gear to not operate properly.
  • Malfunction of speed sensors: Speed ​​sensors are responsible for transmitting information about the speed of rotation of the wheels and the gearbox shaft. If the speed sensors do not work correctly, this can lead to errors in gear shifting.
  • Problems with the hydraulic system: Problems with the transmission hydraulic system may cause insufficient pressure or improper valve control, which in turn may cause the reverse gear to not operate properly.
  • PCM software problems: Incorrect PCM software or errors in its operation can also cause problems with shifting gears, including reverse.

These are just a few of the possible causes of the P0736 trouble code. To accurately determine the cause, it is recommended to have the vehicle diagnosed at a specialized car service center or a qualified mechanic.

What are the symptoms of a fault code? P0736?

If the P0736 trouble code is present, your vehicle may experience the following symptoms:

  • Problems with shifting into reverse: The main symptom will be difficult or incorrect shifting into reverse. This may manifest itself in the form of delays or jerks when engaging reverse, or even a complete lack of response to the command to engage this gear.
  • Incorrect transmission behavior: The vehicle may exhibit abnormal behavior when reversing, such as jerking, uneven acceleration or deceleration, or unusual noises from the transmission.
  • Check Engine Light: An illuminated Check Engine light on your dashboard may be one of the first signs of a problem. Code P0736 is usually accompanied by this light flashing.
  • Deterioration in overall performance: If the transmission is not operating properly, including reverse, deterioration in overall vehicle performance may occur, including increased fuel consumption and loss of power.
  • Other error codes appear: In some cases, DTC P0736 may be accompanied by other transmission or engine related error codes.

How to diagnose a fault code P0736?

To diagnose DTC P0736, follow these steps:

  1. Scan error code: Using a vehicle scanner or diagnostic tool, connect it to the OBD-II diagnostic connector and scan to determine the P0736 error code. This will help you confirm the problem and get more information about it.
  2. Checking the level and condition of the transmission fluid: Check the level and condition of the transmission fluid. Low levels or contaminated fluid may be causing the problem. If necessary, add or replace fluid according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  3. Diagnostics of speed sensors: Check the operation of the speed sensors responsible for transmitting data on the speed of rotation of the wheels and the transmission shaft. Poor performance of the sensors can lead to transmission errors.
  4. Checking the hydraulic system: Diagnose the transmission hydraulic system. Check the system pressure, condition of the valves and their operation. Problems with the hydraulic system can cause the gears to shift incorrectly.
  5. Checking Internal Transmission Components: Check the condition of internal transmission components such as clutches, discs and pistons. Their wear or damage may result in improper operation of the reverse gear.
  6. PCM Software Diagnostics: Run PCM software diagnostics. Check for firmware updates and that the software is working correctly.
  7. Additional checks: If necessary, carry out additional checks such as checking electrical connections, reviewing gear shift mechanisms, etc.

After diagnosing and identifying the cause of the P0736 error, you should begin to repair or replace the faulty components. If you are unsure of your skills or experience, it is recommended that you contact a professional mechanic or auto repair shop to perform diagnostics and repairs.

Diagnostic errors

When diagnosing DTC P0736, the following errors may occur:

  • Insufficient diagnosis: Some mechanics may perform a superficial diagnosis without checking all possible causes of the error. This can lead to incorrect identification of the problem and incorrect repair, which ultimately does not eliminate the cause of the error.
  • Faulty interpretation of sensor data: Faulty sensors or misreading them can lead to misinterpretation of transmission health data. This may cause incorrect diagnosis and repair.
  • Skip Hydraulic System Check: Problems with the transmission hydraulic system may be the cause of the P0736 code, and if they are incorrectly diagnosed or incorrectly excluded from the list of possible causes, this may result in a diagnostic error.
  • Skipping Internal Component Check: Worn or damaged internal transmission components can also cause P0736. Skipping these components may result in the cause of the error being incorrectly determined.
  • Incorrect interpretation of error codes: It is important to correctly interpret not only the P0736 error code, but also other error codes that may accompany this problem. Misinterpretation of error codes may result in additional problems being missed.
  • Skip additional checks: Some mechanics may skip additional checks such as checking electrical connections, checking gear shift mechanisms, and others. Skipping these checks may result in missing important parts that affect the transmission's performance.

To successfully diagnose a P0736 trouble code, it is important to have experience and knowledge in the transmission field, and to use the correct techniques and tools to detect and correct the problem.

How serious is the fault code? P0736?

Trouble code P0736 indicates problems with the reverse gear ratio in the automatic transmission. This problem can have different degrees of severity depending on its cause and how quickly it is resolved, several aspects that determine the severity of this code:

  • Security: Failure to shift into reverse can create dangerous situations when parking or maneuvering in reverse. This is especially important on busy or busy roads.
  • Performance: Improper reverse gear operation can affect the overall performance and handling of the vehicle. This may result in increased fuel consumption, loss of power, or uneven acceleration.
  • Long term damage: If the problem is not resolved, it may cause additional wear or damage to internal transmission components such as clutches, discs, and pistons. This could cause more serious and costly repairs in the future.
  • Repair cost: Repairing or replacing transmission components can be expensive. The severity of the problem can range from relatively minor repairs, such as replacing speed sensors, to larger, more complex repairs involving internal transmission components.

Overall, the P0736 trouble code is a serious problem that requires immediate attention.

What repair will help eliminate the code? P0736?

Resolving the P0736 trouble code will depend on the specific cause of the problem. Several possible repairs that may help resolve this issue:

  1. Replacing or servicing transmission fluid: If the problem is due to low or dirty transmission fluid, it may need to be topped up or replaced. This may also require cleaning or replacing the transmission filter.
  2. Replacing or servicing speed sensors: If speed sensors are identified as the cause of the problem, they may require replacement or adjustment. Check their condition and correct operation.
  3. Repair or replacement of hydraulic system components: If the problem is with the transmission hydraulic system, defective components such as valves, pumps and valve bodies may need to be repaired or replaced.
  4. Repair or replace internal transmission components: If the problem is caused by worn or damaged internal transmission components, they may need to be repaired or replaced. This may include clutches, discs, pistons and other parts.
  5. Updating or reprogramming PCM software: In some cases, the problem can be resolved by updating or reprogramming the PCM software. This can help eliminate errors and optimize transmission performance.

It is important to note that the exact repair will depend on the specific cause of the P0736 code, which requires diagnosis and analysis by a specialist. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact a qualified mechanic or auto repair shop for diagnosis and repair.

How to Diagnose and Fix P0736 Engine Code - OBD II Trouble Code Explain

2 comment

  • Razvan

    Hello, I have this code P0736
    The car in question is a6c6 3.0 quattro, my car only goes forward regardless of whether it is in DSR gear sometimes and in N, what could be low oil level or mechanical problem of the box

  • anonym

    I have code p0736, when I put it in reverse if the speed comes in but when it comes to accelerating it doesn't respond

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