Description of the P0873 fault code.
OBD2 Error Codes

P0873 Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch "C" Circuit High

P0873 ā€“ OBD-II Trouble Code Technical Description

Trouble code P0873 indicates the transmission fluid pressure sensor/switch "C" circuit is high.

What does the fault code mean P0873?

Trouble code P0873 indicates a high signal in the transmission fluid pressure sensor/switch ā€œCā€ circuit. This means that the vehicle's control system has received a signal from this sensor indicating that the transmission fluid pressure level exceeds the manufacturer's established standards.

Fault code P0873.

Possible reasons

Some of the possible causes of the P0873 trouble code are:

  • Malfunction of transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€: The sensor may be damaged or failed, resulting in incorrect or unreliable pressure readings.
  • Problems with the sensor electrical circuit: Corrosion, breaks or short circuits in the electrical circuit connecting the pressure sensor to the control module can cause a high signal level.
  • Incorrect transmission pressure: Actual transmission pressure may actually be higher than specified due to problems with the lubrication system, clogged filters, faulty valves, or other mechanical problems.
  • Problems with the automatic transmission control module (PCM): Malfunctions in the automatic transmission control module itself can cause incorrect interpretation of signals from the pressure sensor.
  • Transmission faults: Problems inside the transmission, such as clogged hydraulic passages, faulty valves or mechanisms, can also cause P0873.

To accurately diagnose and correct the problem, it is recommended that you contact a qualified mechanic or service center.

What are the symptoms of a fault code? P0873?

Some of the possible symptoms that may occur with a P0873 trouble code are:

  • Check Engine Light: Trouble code P0873 is usually accompanied by the Check Engine light on the instrument panel.
  • Gear shifting problems: There may be problems with gear shifting or changes in shift characteristics, such as jerking, hesitation, or incorrect shifting.
  • The automatic transmission operates in protective mode: The automatic transmission may go into protection mode, limiting the ability to shift gears to prevent further damage.
  • Uneven engine operation: Due to problems with the transmission and its control, the engine may run unstably or intermittently.
  • Degraded performance and fuel economy: Transmission problems can negatively impact your vehicle's performance and fuel economy.

If you notice any of these symptoms and suspect a transmission problem, it is recommended that you contact a qualified mechanic immediately to diagnose and repair the problem.

How to diagnose a fault code P0873?

To diagnose and resolve the problem associated with DTC P0873, we recommend following these steps:

  1. Scanning error codes: First, you should use a vehicle scanner to read the error codes from the control module. This will help determine the presence of the P0873 code and any additional codes that may help identify the cause of the problem.
  2. Checking the level and condition of the transmission fluid: Check the level and condition of the transmission fluid. Low level or contaminated fluid may be one of the reasons for the error. Also pay attention to any leaks.
  3. Checking electrical connections and wiring: Check the condition of the electrical connections and wiring associated with the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€ and the PCM. Pay attention to the presence of corrosion, breaks or short circuits.
  4. Checking the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€: Check the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€ for proper installation, damage or failure.
  5. Diagnostics of other transmission components: Check other transmission components such as pressure control valves, filters and shift mechanisms for problems.
  6. Software update or flashing: Sometimes it may be necessary to update the automatic transmission control module software to fix the problem.
  7. Consultation with a professional: If you are unsure of your skills or experience in diagnosing and repairing vehicles, it is recommended that you contact a qualified mechanic or auto repair shop for further diagnosis and repair.

Diagnostic errors

When diagnosing DTC P0873, the following errors may occur:

  • Insufficient transmission fluid level check: Failure to check the transmission fluid level or consider its condition may lead to misdiagnosis and missing the possible cause of the problem.
  • Ignoring transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€: Failure to check or consider the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€ may result in a problem with this component being missed.
  • Skip checking electrical connections: Improper operation or problems with the electrical connections between the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€ and the PCM may be causing the error and should be checked.
  • Incorrect interpretation of scanner data: Failure to correctly interpret the data received from the scanner may result in an incorrect diagnosis and incorrect resolution of the problem.
  • Malfunctions of other transmission components: Skipping inspection of other transmission components, such as pressure control valves or shift mechanisms, can lead to misdiagnosis and replacement of unnecessary parts.
  • Insufficient diagnosis: Skipping additional diagnostic procedures or not properly investigating all possible causes may result in an incorrect diagnosis and failure to resolve the problem.

How serious is the fault code? P0873?

Trouble code P0873, which indicates that the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€ circuit is high, is serious because it is related to the vehicle's transmission. If this code appears, you should contact a transmission repair specialist or auto mechanic to further diagnose and fix the problem. Faults in the transmission system can lead to reduced vehicle performance and, in some cases, even complete inoperability. Therefore, it is important to take steps to correct this problem as soon as possible.

What repair will help eliminate the code? P0873?

The repairs required to resolve the P0873 trouble code may vary depending on the specific cause of the problem, here are a few possible steps to resolve this code:

  1. Checking and replacing transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€: If the pressure sensor is faulty or fails, it must be replaced. After replacing the sensor, it is necessary to check for the presence of an error code.
  2. Checking electrical connections and wiring: Check the electrical connections and wiring associated with the transmission fluid pressure sensor ā€œCā€. Connections may need to be cleaned or replaced if they are damaged or oxidized.
  3. Checking and replacing the automatic transmission control module (PCM): In rare cases, the problem may be due to a malfunction of the automatic transmission control module itself. If all other components and connections are checked and configured correctly, the PCM may need to be replaced.
  4. Additional diagnostic procedures: Sometimes the problem may be more complex and require additional diagnostic procedures, such as checking the transmission pressure or a thorough examination of the gear shift mechanisms.
  5. Software updateNote: In rare cases, a PCM software update may be required to resolve the issue.

It is important to contact a qualified auto mechanic or service center for diagnosis and repair as resolving the P0873 code requires specific knowledge and experience in repairing transmissions and vehicle electrical systems.

What is P0873 Engine Code [Quick Guide]

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