Traffic rules for cyclists - instructions, prohibitions, safety!
Tips for motorists

Traffic rules for cyclists - instructions, prohibitions, safety!

The mass passion for outdoor activities leads to the fact that a whole new community is formed on the road, for which we will analyze the rules (SDA) in this article, for cyclists 2013 was simply a record year in terms of the growth of new participants in this hobby. So that experienced comrades are not ashamed of newcomers, we are eliminating gaps in knowledge in the next 10 minutes, join us.

Traffic rules for cyclists - why you need to know?

Let's start with the fact that the road is a rather turbulent place, because multi-ton metal cars rush there at different speeds, and the cyclist there, to put it mildly, is often inopportune. The best place to move is bike paths, this is also mentioned in the traffic rules, but they do not exist everywhere, and the sidewalk does not always allow for dissatisfied passers-by and fast cyclists. Therefore, some daredevils go to the roadway, but in order to ensure their safety, you should be very clear about the rules of behavior for a cyclist on the road and acquire all the necessary equipment and gear.

Open conversation on traffic rules for cyclists

First, let's point out the main restriction that traffic rules set for cyclists: for children on this type of transport, the road is closed until the age of 14. Although the “unaccompanied” clause should not instruct you to take your child with you on the road, it is still almost impossible to keep track of the child, and car drivers may not see him at all. We advise you not to risk the health of children and move on to a larger part of our review.

Good manners - how to move in a group?

Today it is rare to see single cyclists, more often they are small companies, and there are even whole mass events when such a large group simply cannot pass along the sidewalk without disturbing passers-by. Then they get out onto the road, and in addition to the general rules of behavior on the roadway, it is important to behave correctly in a group. The main task is to keep a distance and carefully monitor the actions of those in front, and also not create ambiguous situations for those coming behind.

You should move at a general speed, do not dodge, do not be nimble, all maneuvers should be indicated by hand signals and be performed smoothly, it is even better sometimes to duplicate your signals with your voice. It is not advisable to smoke while driving, because there are so many people around you who will be inconvenienced. You can not talk on the phone, this will distract someone in the group from an important message or a nearby cyclist. And, of course, when participating in such promotions, exclude alcohol, because you are a driver!

Rules for a cyclist on the road - how to move?

Let's analyze what traffic rules advise us to ensure the safety of a cyclist on the road. To begin with, we will inform you that a cyclist is a guest everywhere, except for the bike path, so on the sidewalk he should not disturb pedestrians with his maneuvers, and motorists on the roadway. Therefore, a limit is set on the road - 1 m in the extreme right lane, you should not appear further than this value, with the exception of avoiding an obstacle. At the same time, do not forget to signal your intention in every possible way (hand sign).

It also happens that you need to turn or turn around, that is, you need the extreme left position, and the cyclist seems to be forbidden there, but there are permitted cases, most often on narrow roads. Then you should noticeably for everyone to declare your intention and reorganize. At the same time, you must always and everywhere give way to passing vehicles, and also obediently follow the instructions of traffic lights, signs and the traffic controller, and do not ignore the road markings.

While you are on the roadway, you are the driver, which means that all the rules for this category of road users must also be followed by you. Once you have dismounted, you must follow the traffic rules for pedestrians and cyclists.

Cyclist safety on the road - signs, prohibitions, equipment

We have mentioned many times about the mysterious signs that you need to use when moving, so it's time to talk about them. Everything is done with one hand, briefly, because. it is forbidden to operate with one hand, but it is noticeable and understandable. Turning left and right is shown with a straight arm extended in the right direction, slowing down and stopping - a straight arm up. If you are moving in a group of cyclists, then you will need a hand to point to an obstacle on the road that you decide to go around so that the person behind you does not drive into it. This, of course, is not only a rule, but also a sign of good taste.

It is also important to say about what you can not do on the road. First of all, to indulge, demonstrate your extreme driving skills and the art of balancing act, ride a bicycle without hands or keeping your feet on the pedals, talk on the phone or listen to music (you must completely control the situation around). You should not transport long and large loads, the linear dimensions of which exceed 50 cm. You should not take passengers with you and drive onto the roadway in conditions of poor visibility (snow, rain, fog, etc.). Crossing tram tracks under various pretexts is also not worth it, as well as towing a bicycle or a bicycle.

There is one more nuance for your safety on the roadway - the right equipment for your bike and yourself. What do we mean? Firstly, you should have a helmet and bright, visible clothing, it is advisable to have reflective stripes on your jacket, backpack, and helmet. The bike itself must be in good working order (steering wheel and brakes), equipped with a good sound signal, because it is very noisy on the road, a rear-view mirror will not interfere. Be sure to have a red reflector at the back, white at the front, orange at the sides (often on the spokes of the wheels). At night, they should be replaced by bright lanterns of appropriate colors.

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