Float revs idle on Grant

Float revs idle on Grant

floating turnovers fret grant reasons

Many cars, even recently rolled off the assembly line, have such a problem as floating idle engine speed. Such symptoms should include a serious variation in the range, for example, from 600 to 1500 rpm. If similar problems are encountered on your Grant, then you should look for the cause of such problems. And there can actually be quite a few reasons, the main of which will be discussed below:

  1. DMRV - its failure or approach to the "final stage". A sensor can be considered a worker, the voltage of which varies between 1,00 - 1,02 Volts. If the values ​​\u1,03b\u1,04bexceed the above, then most likely the DMRV has already outlived its usefulness. XNUMX and XNUMX volts is already too high a voltage, which indicates a sensor malfunction.
  2. Idle speed regulator - IAC. This part is responsible for the normal and stable operation of idling, and in most cases it is precisely because of the failure of this regulator that dances with idle speeds occur. This part is relatively inexpensive, so first of all you should pay attention to it, and if necessary, replace it. Also, it should be borne in mind that after prolonged use, the IAC can become clogged with soot, which will negatively affect its operation. In this case, washing with a special liquid for cleaning the carburetor or injector will help.
  3. Air suction. This is a very common reason for Grants owners, and to a greater extent this applies to 16-valve engines. The main place where the so-called air leakage can form is the place where two parts of the receiver are “glued together”. Even with minor damage or impact, the two components can come apart, resulting in air leakage, and this will affect the normal operation of the engine. In this case, it is necessary to fix the problem, and the speed will become stable.
  4. Throttle position sensor. Not often, but there are also problems with it.
  5. Low pressure in the fuel system. Usually, problems begin with the very start of the engine, and then floating speed appears.
  6. Breakdowns in the ignition system. Of course, this is far from the most common reason, but even with one problematic candle, floating blanks can begin. Of course, a replacement will help in this case. Also, there is a possibility that the gap between the center and side electrodes is too large, and in this case it just needs to be reduced.

As you can see, there are actually a great many problems for which your Granta can mope with idle. And the search should begin with the cheapest elements, or immediately contact an experienced and intelligent diagnostician, who will probably tell you what the reason is.