Pros and cons of parking while looking at the camera or the mirror of your car

Pros and cons of parking while looking at the camera or the mirror of your car

Using rear view cameras or side cameras in a car makes it easier for drivers to park their car. However, they have some disadvantages that will make you continue to use the classic rear view mirrors.

master, especially when you are a first time driver. Judging the distance between the vehicle and surrounding objects can be difficult if you use the rear view mirror and side mirrors incorrectly. Luckily for many, the rear view mirror with a camera is one of the most ubiquitous new products that threatens to become widespread in the automotive world. 

All indications are that traditional mirrors will be supplanted by the improvement in driver information offered by cameras mounted outside the car. Not only is this an improvement in terms of safety and performance, but even cars get aerodynamic, fuel efficient, economical and even aesthetic benefits. However, it will probably be a few more years before the side mirrors and rear-view mirrors disappear and rear-view cameras take their place. Below, we will outline some of the advantages and disadvantages they offer.

Benefits of Using Cameras vs. Parking Mirrors

1. Clearer picture

In climates where the image of a traditional mirror can be distorted, such as in fog, rain or low light conditions, the rear cameras provide a better view, and some even have a night vision mode.

2. They prevent light damage from glare

The rear cameras greatly reduce glare by reducing the amount of light transmitted by the sensor.

3. Field of view adjustment

Some cameras allow you to change the field of view and zoom (depending on the model, it can be adjusted automatically or manually), with which you can overlay an image or maneuver your vision, they can even provide distance-related information with the help of relative obstacles, which makes driving easier.

4. Better aerodynamics

By eliminating side mirrors, cars improve their aerodynamic efficiency. In addition, cameras are often great support when driving with an assistant.

That said, rear-view mirrors with cameras can be a good investment, but it's equally important to keep your mind on the road, have good car insurance, and avoid driving while drowsy or after using drugs or alcohol.

Disadvantages of Cameras Compared to Mirrors

1. Raw material technology

The main disadvantage of a rear view mirror is that it is a very new technology and has not yet been perfected. For example, markets such as the US and China have not yet paved the way at the legislative level to allow the use of these new mirrors. However, this does not mean that this is a permanent situation. It is likely that in the future the necessary tests will be carried out to allow rear-view cameras to replace rear-view mirrors. However, the amount of time that must pass before all the countries of the world do the same is unknown. 

2. High cost

On the other hand, the vehicle must have a screen on which an image can be projected, usually associated with a navigator or compatible main unit, making the entire device more expensive. The additional costs they cause in vehicles are also another argument against their introduction.

3. Dirt in the chamber

The use of rear view cameras requires that the lens be kept clean, as its location is prone to getting dirty on rainy days. However, even in bad conditions, we can continue to use it, because up close it continues to show us a good image.

4. Indemnification

Like any technological device, rear view cameras and screens onto which images are projected are subject to some damage caused either by use or impact. Repairing a camera or screen is more expensive than simply replacing a rear view mirror.



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