According to the DMV, why you shouldn't be angry on the road

According to the DMV, why you shouldn't be angry on the road

Feeling angry or annoyed while driving can be a symptom of road rage, a clearly recognizable behavior that is considered a crime because of its consequences.

If you swore at the wheel, if you repeatedly accelerated for no reason, if you did not give way or refused to use low beams, you are probably turning aggressiveness into one of your habits and that aggressiveness sooner or later causes many episodes of road rage, a very common and dangerous behavior that is characterized by the presence of violence between drivers. Damage to private property, injury to other people, and even physical collisions are some of the events that result from this type of outbreak that are often out of control.

In the menu to the fury of the vial associated with unfortunate or unpleasant situations that end up being a source of discomfort for those involved. Triggers can be layoffs, fights at work, delays, or family conflicts. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), everyone is prone to anger while driving, but statistics show that young men and people with certain psychological conditions are most likely. For these reasons, the DMV also makes a number of recommendations aimed at people who are in trouble and are about to get behind the wheel:

1. Be very attentive to emotions and actions on the road.

2. Turn on relaxing music.

3. Remember that the road is a shared space and people can make mistakes.

4. Stay away from other drivers.

5. Refrain from provocative, prolonged eye contact or offensive gestures towards other drivers.

If on the way it was not possible to dispel emotions and actions were committed that irritated the other driver, better to apologize or express regret. The more you can avoid a confrontation, the better, but if that becomes impossible, it's advisable to call the police. Otherwise, if you are being chased or chased by an aggressive driver, you should try to maintain control and walk away calmly.

Road rage is a crime and is often associated with speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are arrested for participating in an episode of traffic violence, you may face legal action or jail time. depending on the circumstances. Many of these situations can result in serious bodily injury, damage to your vehicle, or the death of one of the participants.


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