Why rats chew wires (and what to do next?)
Tools and Tips

Why rats chew wires (and what to do next?)

If you're dealing with an uncontrollable rodent problem, your family's health could be affected. In addition to health problems, these creatures can cause other troubles. For example, they may chew on items such as electrical wires. This can lead to malfunction of electronic devices, and sometimes to the shutdown of the entire electrical wiring system. Have you ever wondered why rats gnaw on wires?

Usually rats gnaw on wires due to constantly growing teeth. These teeth act like a cat's claws. Since teeth are constantly growing, rats chew on objects to eliminate pain. Plus, it keeps the rat's teeth in great shape.

Why do rats gnaw on wires? (Going into details)

Before calling a pest control service, there are a few things you can do to fix this problem. However, to find a solution, you first need to understand the causes of the problem. So, here are some facts about how rodents gnaw on wires.

Rats gnaw on anything

Rats don't immediately grab wires. As you can imagine, it's in their nature to chew on things. However, rats like to hide in dark places, and there can be electrical wires in these dark places. Eventually, they will start chewing on wires. If rats don't chew on wires, they will chew on plastic, glass, rubber, stone, aluminum, wood, and cement.

Chewing is good for teeth

In the modern household, electrical wires can be found everywhere. The rats will start chewing on the wires to keep their teeth from growing back. Wires are an excellent source for grinding teeth. They may not get the same results from chewing on old cardboard or paper. Thus, rats tend to like wires more than other objects.

They also chew car wires

If you think that rats gnaw only on the wires of the house, you are deeply mistaken. They are also well known for chewing on car wires. Many car manufacturers use renewable materials for their products. While this is a great method in terms of green environmental trends, manufacturers use edible materials such as soy. They use soy as a coating for automotive wires. Rats are very attracted to this soy coating and immediately start chewing on the soy insulation. Sometimes rats can damage engine wiring. Replacing motor wires can be quite expensive. (1)

Dangerous consequences of wire chewing by rats

Because of this crazy chewing, rats can cause a lot of damage to your home or workplace. For example, rats love to stay in places like basements, floorboards, attics, and inside your wall. There can be a significant amount of electrical wiring in these areas, and rats can damage or destroy the wiring in a variety of ways. So, here are some of the common catastrophic consequences that can be caused by rodents chewing on wires.

  • Chewing may be too intense. In some cases, this can lead to the shutdown of the entire electrical system.
  • Sometimes rats can gnaw through the security wires, which can lead to false alarms in the security system.
  • Once damaged, electrical wires can catch fire, which can start a big house fire.
  • Sometimes a rat may chew on a wire that is difficult to replace. For example, the wire located inside the wall is the most difficult to replace.

Common electrical problems caused by rats chewing on wires

A damaged electrical wiring system is terrible. If you only have to replace the wire, you can consider yourself lucky. Because the result can be more devastating than changing the wire. Here are some common electrical problems caused by rats chewing on wires.

  • Closing circuits
  • Opening the circuit breaker without any overload
  • Complete power outage
  • Overheating can melt wires and appliances
  • Can start an electric fire

Next Steps

If you are suffering from such a rodent problem, you may be asking yourself how can I get rid of these nasty creatures? Don't be afraid; I have several solutions for you.

Use dry ice

Dry ice can release carbon dioxide, which kills rats. So, place some dry ice where you suspect rats might appear and disappear.

Set traps

It's always a good idea to set up a few traps. Snap traps are the most common method for dealing with this rodent problem.

Rat poisons

Use rat poisons outside the home. These poisons are very strong and can affect humans. Therefore, never use them in your home.

Call the pest control service

If you need to get your rodent problem resolved with the help of professionals, feel free to hire a pest control service.

Tip: Or you can always use a simple homemade rat trap. (check the image above)

The best solution is prevention

Although I have given some tips on how to get rid of rats, it is always better to deal with rodents without any cruelty. The best way to do this is prevention.

  • Seal any openings or cracks in doorways, foundations, windows, or seal them with sealant. This will prevent rats from entering your home.
  • Do not store leftover food in the kitchen and dining area.
  • Remove tall vegetation around your home. (2)
  • Keep the grass cut short.
  • Remember to clean your house regularly inside and out.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • Where to find thick copper wire for scrap
  • How to find a short circuit with a multimeter
  • How to check the car ground wire with a multimeter


(1) green environmental trends – https://www.facebook.com/


(2) vegetation - https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agriculture-and-biological-sciences/vegetation-types

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5 Fascinating Facts About Rats

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