Why they never put tires in the garage

Why they never put tires in the garage

What to do with the four tires we don't currently use, and how best to store them. If you have a garage or basement, the answer is simple. Otherwise, most tire centers will offer you a so-called hotel, which means they will store your tires for a fee. But even they sometimes make serious storage errors.

The most important condition that most people overlook is that the tires should not be stacked on top of each other. We know this seems to be the most intuitive and natural. But the tires are actually pretty heavy even without the rims. Even the very shabby and low profile 17 weighs 8 kilograms on the scale. 

Ideally, store tires hanging from the ceiling or at least standing on special stands. Most people consider them an inert material, but in reality the rubber compound is sensitive to moisture, heat and contact with grease, oils (such as a stain on the garage floor) or acids. Even harsh white light is bad for them. It is best to store them in a dry, dark and cool place. When installed on your car, it is difficult to protect them from harmful effects. But you can at least make sure they don’t go to waste when you’re not using them.

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