Why Rust Converters Don't Always Help
Useful tips for motorists

Why Rust Converters Don't Always Help

Scars adorn a man, but not a car body, especially when chips and scratches on the paintwork reach the metal, and it begins to oxidize intensively. As a result, there are traces of corrosion in the form of red spots and streaks, which, of course, spoil the appearance of the car. However, this is only one side of the problem...

If corrosion processes are not stopped in time, then over time this will lead to the appearance of through holes in the body parts and weaken its power structure. Moreover, the problem is especially acute in older cars, as a rule, with decent runs. Their bodies have numerous centers of corrosion, including those located at the junctions of body parts. If measures are not taken in time, then the welding points and seams connecting the parts to each other will lose strength and the body will begin to spread. That is why timely prevention is important in the fight against corrosion. It is always easier to remove a small "red bug" than to patch a hole.

  • Why Rust Converters Don't Always Help
  • Why Rust Converters Don't Always Help

How to stop and effectively destroy corrosion? For these purposes, special compounds are used - rust converters. They are a kind of active compound, which, entering into a chemical reaction with oxides of two / trivalent iron (in fact, rust), forms an insoluble complex of iron phosphate salts. Everything is clear and simple…. But only at first glance. Practice shows that the composition of the composition is different.

There are a lot of nuances, one and the most important of them is the impregnating properties of the product. It depends on this how carefully all the centers of corrosion will be eliminated. The thing is that rust has a loose structure, which must be carefully impregnated and neutralized so that corrosion does not manifest itself again. It is in this competition that different preparations show their working properties and qualities. Of course, it is rather difficult to assess how well the composition impregnated and, thereby, neutralized rust. Only time will tell here.

Why Rust Converters Don't Always Help

In order not to take risks in vain, we recommend that you listen to proven advice. Among the variety of compositions on sale, good penetrating properties are distinguished, for example, by the rust converter with zinc from ASTROhim. It penetrates to the entire depth of oxides (up to 100 microns) and stops the processes of metal oxidation. At the same time, the zinc contained in its composition enhances the properties of the drug and gives additional electrochemical (cathodic) protection to the metal. Active ions, deposited on the treated surface, react with the oxidizing agent, taking the blow. And although it is not a panacea for corrosion, it copes with its role perfectly.

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