Why is it important to have the correct spark plug gap?

Why is it important to have the correct spark plug gap?

Spark plugs and their electrodes are essential parts for the proper operation of a car, so it is very important to keep them in good condition and remember to replace them if necessary.

in fact, its poor condition or worn electrodes will cause the car to not run properly or not work at all.

The electrodes are the part of the spark plug that wears out and gets dirty the most.. The charred residues of air and gasoline from the explosions are deposited on the electrodes, which causes the spark to gradually lose intensity and temperature, resulting in poor combustion, reduced gasoline performance and more pollution.

What is the significance of the interelectrode gap?

If the gap between the electrodes is too small, the ignition voltage will certainly be low, but misfiring may occur, since not enough energy is transferred due to the short spark of the mixture. 

An excessively large interelectrode gap requires a high ignition voltage. Thus, the energy is very favorably transferred to the mixture, however, reducing the voltage margin increases the risk of misfiring. 

The distance between the electrodes is determined by the manufacturer depending on the make and model of the car.

The distance between the spark plug electrodes increases as the mileage increases; for example, after 12,500 0.5 miles the initial distance of 1 mm can double and easily exceed mm. This is due to wear caused by the passage of ions through the spark and the thermal effect that tends to straighten the side electrode. 

Also keep in mind that the coil and capacitor are designed to work at their best performance by keeping the spark plug electrodes at a certain distance. For this reason, it is important to periodically control the distance between the electrodes from 0.5 to 0.7 mm.

The main purpose of spark plugs is to create a spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture, creating an explosion that causes the engine to produce power. In other words, spark plugs are responsible for the ignition that ignites the car's engine. This makes them a fundamental part for its proper functioning. That's why it's important to keep them in good condition and know to replace them if necessary. There, eYou need to know when is the best time to change your spark plugs..

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