Why do cars burn more often in winter than in summer?
Useful tips for motorists

Why do cars burn more often in winter than in summer?

In the cold season, car fires happen much more often than in summer. Moreover, the causes of the fire are quite obscure. About why the car can suddenly catch fire in the cold, says the portal "AvtoVzglyad".

When in winter smoke starts pouring out from under the hood and flames appear, the driver is perplexed, how could this happen? In fact, the fire does not occur from a short circuit, but due to the fact that the antifreeze caught fire. The fact is that many cheap antifreezes do not just boil with increasing temperature, but ignite with an open flame. This can happen if the car's cooling radiators are clogged with dirt or the airflow is disturbed, because the driver installed a piece of cardboard in front of the radiator grille. Saving on antifreeze, plus the desire to warm up the engine faster and turns into a fire.

Another cause of the fire could be in a makeshift windshield installation. Moisture and water from melted snow gradually begin to seep under it. Let's not forget that the composition of the "left" washer fluid contains methanol, and it is flammable. All this intensifies during the thaw, and water with an admixture of methanol abundantly wets the wiring harnesses passing under the instrument panel. As a result, a short circuit occurs, the spark hits the sound insulation and the process has begun.

Why do cars burn more often in winter than in summer?

You need to pay attention to the "lighting" wires, as well as the condition of the battery. If the wires spark when connected, this will also lead to a fire, or even an explosion of the battery, if it is old.

A fire can also start from the cigarette lighter, into which an adapter for three devices is plugged. Chinese adapters do it somehow. As a result, they do not fit snugly against the contacts of the cigarette lighter socket, begin to fidget and shake on potholes. The contacts heat up, a spark jumps ...

And if the car is on the street in winter, then cats and small rodents like to get under its hood to warm up. Making their way, they cling to the wiring, or even completely gnaw it. I can even bite through the power wire coming from the generator. As a result, when the driver starts the car and sets off, a short circuit occurs.

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