Pillows for pregnant and lactating women - how to choose the right one for you?
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Pillows for pregnant and lactating women - how to choose the right one for you?

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are a huge burden for the female body. Her spine and abdominal muscles have to support the growing baby inside, and then her back and arms hold the baby against her breast for many hours. Then it is easy to overload, pain, numbness and other ailments. Luckily, the ingenious pillow makers are giving new moms a lot of support—literally. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the range of pillows for pregnant and lactating women - pillows that support the mother's back, stomach and legs, support the baby's body during feeding, making the feeding process comfortable and not tiring.

Dr. N. Pharm. Maria Kaspshak

Pillows for pregnant women - for sleeping, sitting and relaxing 

At the end of the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the growing belly places an increasing burden on the expectant mother. It must be remembered that it contains not only the child, but also the placenta, amniotic fluid, and the uterus that has greatly increased in size. In addition to being heavy, its contents also put pressure on the internal organs, “stuffing” them more and more and leaving less and less space. Many women at this time complain of back pain, swelling of the legs and numbness of the limbs during sleep. Some of these discomforts can be alleviated by providing the body with proper support and proper posture during sleep and rest. You can try to get by with regular pillows and a rolled up blanket, but a professional, orthopedic pregnancy pillow would be a much more convenient solution. 

Many product brands are available in Poland: Babymatex, Supermami, Ceba and others. Large body pillows come in a variety of shapes. C-pillows can be used to support the back, head and legs, or stomach and legs, depending on the position on the side. Similar, but more versatile, are symmetrical U-shaped pillows that provide support for the head, legs, stomach and back at the same time, and do not need to be changed when changing body position. Pillows in the shape of the number 7 are also comfortable - in addition to supporting during sleep, they can also be used as a support when sitting and feeding a child, since they easily wrap the body and form a support for the back. J-shaped pillows are similar, although they are harder to wrap for back support when sitting. An I-shaped pillow is simply a long roll that can be used to support your stomach and legs while you sleep, or wrap around you while your baby is nursing.

Nursing pillows - croissants, chickens and muffs

Breastfeeding requires long-term retention of one position and support of the torso and head of the baby. It's not hard, especially in the beginning, but holding even light weights for long periods of time can tire the muscles. It is worth using a large croissant-shaped nursing pillow, such as Sensillo, Chicco, CuddleCo, Babymatex, Poofi, MimiNu or others. You should sit comfortably in a wide chair or on a sofa, wrap yourself around this "croissant" so that its ends are behind your back (some models have ribbons to prevent the croissant from falling when moving), and put the child on the front cushion. Then the child's weight rests on the pillow, and the mother's hand supports the head as much as possible. The ends of the pillow additionally support the back, so mom and baby are quite comfortable. An interesting nursing pillow option is Dana's Grandma's Hen by La Millou. It is similar to a croissant, only with smaller ends and a thicker center that looks a bit like a crescent moon. A beak and scallop sewn to one end turn this thick crescent moon into an attractive chicken that can be used as a nursing pillow, backrest or just a sleeping pillow. When the baby grows up, the chicken can become a plush toy, toy or pillow.

Nursing muffs (such as "Maternity" or "MimiNu") are pillow-shaped muffs in the form of a quilted sleeve that surrounds the arm that supports the baby during feeding. They're perfect for travel (because they're smaller than croissants) and for formula-fed moms. When bottle-feeding, the baby can lie on the lap of the parents, and the muff on the supporting arm is a comfortable pillow for his head. An interesting solution is a set of a clutch and an apron-curtain. Ideal for travel or outings when you need to breastfeed your baby in a public place. Such a kit provides convenience and privacy, and also helps protect clothes.

What to look for when choosing a pillow for pregnant or nursing?

  • Firstly - performance. It should be a high-quality anti-allergic filler that does not stick together and does not flatten with prolonged use. Silicone balls or fibers work best. Pillows with such a filler can be washed from time to time, they retain their shape and volume for a long time.
  • Secondly - removable pillowcaseswhat can be washed. Many manufacturers include these pillowcases for variety, or you can buy them separately. Pillowcases should be made of durable quality fabric - cotton, viscose or other, depending on our preferences.
  • Thirdly - размер. Before buying, it is worth checking the pillow size, this is especially important for large pillows for sleeping during pregnancy. The manufacturer indicates the dimensions of the pillow, and can also provide information for whom this model is best suited - this is the height of the user. Short women will probably sleep well on a larger pillow, but a pillow that is too small can be uncomfortable for a tall woman. 

The second life of a pillow for pregnant women 

The advantage of pregnancy and nursing pillows is that they will be useful even after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Often they are so comfortable that women choose to sleep in them all the time. Maybe they will be to the taste of a husband or partner who has back problems? They can also be used as coasters for a seated baby or as a protective "playpen" for a newborn lying on a bed or sofa. Croissant pillows can also serve as cushions for sleeping or lounging, and some are aesthetically pleasing enough to decorate a sofa or armchair. The muff will work well during REM sleep with the arm under the head. The alternative uses for pregnancy pillows are numerous and only limited by the creativity of their users. 

Skokolisanka - a springy pillow for mom and baby

An interesting invention is an elastic rocking pillow from Kangu. The manufacturer advertises it as a great way to quickly soothe and lull the baby. The pillow looks inconspicuous - just a flattened cube, a small mattress. However, when placed on a chair or on the floor, it is so springy that a mother sitting on it with a baby in her arms can easily jump up and thus shake the baby. Rocking cushions are available in different firmness to suit individual preferences. Is this method of rocking a child really effective? It is best to ask someone who has used this pillow on their own. However, of course, this is great entertainment for mom, and maybe even for older brothers and sisters and dad of the child. For this reason, it is worth thinking about buying or giving a friend, a young mother, such a “jumping calm”. 

More articles about accessories for moms and babies can be found in the tutorials on AvtoTachki Passions! 

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