Motorcycle Device

Riding a motorcycle: how to ride in a group?

Summer and vacation are just around the corner! It's time to organize a motorcycle trip with a group of friends. Unfortunately, this friendly moment can quickly turn to hell if certain rules of behavior are not followed. Good organization and respect for the rules of the road, as well as for your comrades, are imperative.

What are the rules for riding in a group? How not to disturb other bikers while riding your motorcycle?

Here's a quick guide to help you ride safely in a group. The first and last motorcycle plays a primary role.

First motorcycle: leader

The first motorcycle plays a very important role. This position is usually held by one of the organizers.

Geographic guide of the motorcycle group

The leader will lead his group. He must know the route of the day by heart. If he takes the wrong path, he takes the whole group with him.

Scout group

In the event of an obstacle on the road, it can alert other bikers with a flashing light or sign. Before starting a group trip, it is important to identify the codes and memorize them. They will be helpful to you throughout your trip.

Motorcycle riding

Needless to say, the leader is the one who will move the group forward. He must adjust his speed to match the motorcycle behind him. If he has too much leadership, he loses the entire group. Conversely, if it is too slow, it slows down the entire group. However, it is important to never overtake the leader, as this can jeopardize the group ride.

Peloton: do not interfere with fellow travelers

When we travel on the road together, it is important to adhere to certain driving standards so that the ride is as smooth as possible.

Behavior when cornering

Never stop at a bend. Follow the path of the motorcycle in front as closely as possible. Excessive braking could slow down the work of the entire group.

Ride in one file

you can ride alone observing safe distances. When driving in a straight line, this will allow you to have very good visibility and take full advantage of the benefits of a group trip.

For less experienced bikers

Less experienced riders compete in the peloton. You will be able to ride in someone else's footsteps and get additional motivation to enjoy the motorcycle. Don't be afraid to be a burden to the group, bikers are not in their mentality to make fun of a newbie. If you're not feeling well, don't be afraid to wave your hand to ask for a break.

The last bike: the seat of the experienced

His role is even more important than that of a leader. He will have to manage the entire peloton and act in case of the unforeseen.

Get back on line in case of an emergency

Biker who drives a car the last bike oversees the entire peloton... He should be able to advance in turns, no matter what. He usually wears a fluorescent yellow vest to be recognized by the peloton.

It should never be thrown off

An experienced biker should also have a powerful motorcycle. This will make it easier for him to fulfill his role.

Riding a motorcycle: how to ride in a group?

Group motorcycle rules

Here are a few guidelines to follow in order to enjoy a group motorcycle ride.

Relay beacon signals

If the motorcycles behind you make beacon signals, it's important to pass them on. The goal is to convey information to a leader who will act accordingly.

Position yourself correctly on the road

It is important not to interfere with vehicles on the road. If exceeded, turn on the turn signals. In general, the position to the right or to the left depends on the leader. Just remember that if the bike in front of you is on the right of the road, you will have to be on the left and vice versa. There is only one exception for turns where you have to follow a natural course.

Never pass by someone in your group

Riding in a group is not a race. Double doubling towards someone in your group is very often frowned upon. If you find that the bike in front of you is too slow, ask to change positions at the next break.

Riding in a group should be fun. As a rule, we try to avoid groups of more than 8 motorcycles. If there are really a lot of you, it is recommended to create subgroups. Feel free to share your group trip experience.

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