Buying a used car. What to look at first of all?
Useful tips for motorists

Buying a used car. What to look at first of all?

I will immediately warn all readers of this article, I am not a reseller and not a super specialist in car bodywork, but I can tell you something about how to avoid getting on a broken and wrecked car when buying a used car. Perhaps even these methods of determination are already known to many car owners, but for beginners, the information will certainly be invaluable. Experts taught me this when at one time I had to use the services of car rental in Ukraine. When my car made me live for a long time, I had to turn to the services of this company: car rental Kiev, where I met intelligent and knowledgeable people who at one time were resellers and knew about all the intricacies of bodywork for defects.

All these subtleties were told to me by one familiar reseller who knows almost everything about this, and in this case he ate more than one dog. He buys and sells over 10 cars in one year, so I trust him. Below, in order, I will give the most important details that you should pay attention to first of all when inspecting a used car.

  • Open the hood of the car, and carefully inspect the welded seams in the corners where the radiator frame and fenders are attached. At this point, the weld seam should be thin and perfectly flat, and there should be an even strip of sealant on top of the seam. Checking for the sealant is quite simple: try to press on the seam with your fingernail, the sealant is soft and you will feel how it will press.
  • In the same places there should be points, the so-called spot welding - this condition is mandatory for all whole and unbeaten cars. Since spot welding is present in all cars from the factory. If there is no such welding, then the car you are researching was one hundred percent in an accident.
  • Also, with the hood open, carefully inspect the entire hood of the car along the edge from beginning to end. There should be sealant along the edge of the entire perimeter of the hood, the same even thin strip that can be pushed through with a fingernail. If there is no sealant on the hood, the hood must be replaced.
  • Open all doors and trunk of the car. Spot welding should be present on each body part at the joints, also carefully inspect at the ends of the doors and below, if the car was poorly painted, then it may be possible to find paint smudges or traces of paint spraying.
  • To accurately determine the paint layer on the car body, you can purchase a thickness gauge. Of course, the price of such a device starts somewhere from 5000 rubles, but in the future this device will pay for itself with interest. It is enough just to find out the factory paint layer of the car, and if, when the device is carried over the body, significant deviations from this value are visible, then there is no doubt that the car has been repainted.
  • A careful inspection of the body with high-quality lighting will not be superfluous, because in good light you can see a lot of errors on the car body. Even on the whole and unbroken body of the car, you can find many errors, so that later you can even bargain a certain amount.
  • Inspect the trunk from the inside and go over all weak points. Since you will often use the trunk, especially if you are building a house or a summer cottage, and from time to time, you will take the necessary materials there. By the way, if the idea of ​​building a summer residence is only in your head, but you plan to implement it in real life, then be sure to use the services assortment transport iveko.

This was a small overview, if you follow at least these simple rules, then the likelihood that you choose a whole used car that has not been involved in an accident, thereby saving quite a lot of money on future repairs.

One comment

  • Alexander

    Another important point. Pay attention to the exhaust pipe. If there is a lot of black soot on the pipe, this is not a good sign. And if there are even traces of engine oil - refuse to buy !!!
    The ideal exhaust pipe is free of soot, usually rusty on injection vehicles.

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