Full decoding of red numbers on the car
Auto repair

Full decoding of red numbers on the car

Red numbers on cars in Russia can usually be found in megacities. The unusual background indicates that the car belongs to diplomatic corps or representative offices of foreign companies.

Red numbers on cars in Russia can usually be found in megacities. The unusual background indicates that the car belongs to diplomatic corps or representative offices of foreign companies.

The difference between red numbers and standard

The format of all plates with autonumbers is the same. A letter is placed first, followed by 3 numbers and 2 more letters. The series is closed by a schematic drawing of the state flag and a code denoting the region. Black signs are placed on a white cover. The Latin inscription RUS indicates that the car has a Russian registration.

Full decoding of red numbers on the car

Red numbers on a car in Russia

Red license plates on cars also have numbers and inscriptions, but only white ones. This palette means diplomatic missions. Sometimes there are black symbols on a scarlet background - this is how Ukrainian transit is designed.

The black and white combination is used to refer to ordinary cars. Red special plates, clearly visible even in the fog, indicate that the car belongs to high-ranking foreign officials.

What do red numbers mean on a car in Russia

Red numbers on a car in Russia mean that the owner has come from another country and represents it as an ambassador, diplomat or consul. Special signs are also issued to foreign commercial organizations. Numeric and alphabetic codes are easy to decipher in order to find out the territorial affiliation and rank of the owner of the car.

It is forbidden to install red numbers on a car without a legal reason. The traffic police inspector can seize illegally acquired signs and fine the violator. A police officer can easily learn about belonging to the diplomatic corps from a special database.

Drivers of vehicles assigned to the diplomatic corps are required to comply with the traffic rules adopted in Russia. The traffic police stops even special purpose vehicles for violations. Participants in an accident are liable in accordance with the law. Diplomats also compensate for the damage caused to the victims.

By car, both the owners and the staff of the embassy can move.

Decoding red license plates

If the red numbers on the car mean that the owner of the transport is an ambassador or consul of another country, then the letters after the numbers decipher the status of the official:

  • CD - can be seen on the transport belonging to the ambassador;
  • the letters CC indicate on consular vehicles;
  • D or T - the car belongs to a diplomat or other mission employee, as well as foreign companies.

Other codes are also used:

  • transport of foreign guests staying in Russia for a long time is marked with the letter H;
  • business structures - M;
  • foreign media - K;
  • cars crossing the territory of the state in transit - P.

The numbers located after the Latin alphabet display the cipher of the region in which the sign was issued (located on the right, as in the plates of cars of ordinary car owners).

Full decoding of red numbers on the car

Red numbers on the car

Diplomatic structures of 168 countries are registered on the territory of Russia. Each state is designated by a certain numerical combination. For example, 001 belongs to the UK, Brazil belongs to 025, the Republic of the Congo - 077.

Numbers from 499 to 555 are assigned to business structures and organizations of international level. The EU Delegation - 499, the Eurasian Economic Commission - 555. Organizations headed by honorary diplomats are separately indicated: this is how 900 is deciphered.

The procedure for issuing special numbers in Russia

You can get red numbers for a car in Russia only in a few cases. On the recommendation of the ambassador, badges are issued to mission employees, spouses and children of diplomats.

Data on car owners in the traffic police come directly from the consulate. Other foreign policy structures do not interfere in this process. As a result, the owners of scarlet numbers sometimes become people who do not have the appropriate status. A striking example of corruption among diplomats was the scandal in Moldova. Dozens of cars received special signs, although the embassy staff included only 12 people.

Another option for the legal installation of plates is to receive the title of honorary consul. In this case, the red numbers on the car are encoded with the numbers 900. The method is very expensive, but no one will dispute the legality of the method.

Fans of exclusive paraphernalia should remember the administrative measures for violating the requirements of the law:

  • For fake special-purpose numbers, a fine of 2,5 thousand rubles is imposed for individuals. The craving for a beautiful life will cost officials 200 thousand rubles, and organizations will be fined half a million rubles.
  • Illegal driving of vehicles with red license plates will result in the deprivation of rights for 6-12 months.

Despite the strict penalties envisaged, the number of cars with scarlet numbers significantly exceeds the number of employees of diplomatic missions.

Benefits of red numbers

Red numbers on a car in Russia do not exempt drivers from the need to comply with traffic rules. Behavior on the roads is regulated by the norms of the laws of the Russian Federation.

The rules allow an exception for cars accompanied by traffic police cars with special signals.

Tuples are allowed:

  • Exceed the speed limit.
  • Don't stop at intersections.
  • Perform the maneuvers provided for a group of vehicles heading to the venue of high-level official meetings.

Traffic police officers must create conditions for the rapid passage of cars belonging to important people.

The transport of diplomats under the Vienna Agreement of 18.04.1961/XNUMX/XNUMX is inviolable. A representative of the traffic police can simply inform the owner about the violation and send data about the accident to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Inspectors rarely stop such cars. An incorrect assessment of the situation can provoke an international scandal.

Values ​​in other countries

Special plates are used in other states. Red numbers on a car in the countries of Eurasia mean:

  • In Belarus, a car owned by a government official.
  • In Ukraine - transit transport.
  • In Latvia - corteges of diplomatic missions.
  • In Hong Kong, a newly bought car.
  • In Hungary - low-speed transport.
Full decoding of red numbers on the car

Red numbers in another country

In Belgium, red license plates are issued to ordinary citizens. German dealers use plates with a scarlet background for vintage cars. Signs with a red canvas and yellow symbols in Turkey are assigned to cars of government officials.

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On other continents, special registration plates are also used:

  • In the US, letters with numbers on a scarlet background are rare. In the state of Vermont, executive cars receive such signs. In Ohio, a yellow base with red lettering indicates that a driver has been ticketed for driving after drinking. Each state has its own designations and palette.
  • In Canada, this is the main room standard.
  • Brazilians use white on red for buses and trolleybuses, and the opposite combination for training cars in driving schools.

Color standards vary from country to country. In Russia, such numbers are given to high-ranking diplomatic workers and international commercial structures.

Two foreign cars with diplomatic plates

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