Be mindful of the climate
Machine operation

Be mindful of the climate

Be mindful of the climate The air conditioning system, which creates coolness in the car interior on hot days, is not a seasonal device at all. It is worth and should be used all year round.

Like any device, the air conditioning system requires periodic inspection. Unfortunately, the truth is that we often talk about it. Be mindful of the climatewe forget, and the climate only grabs our attention when it refuses to obey. The simplest maintenance operation with particular advantages is to turn on the air conditioning system once a month, regardless of the weather and season, for about five to ten minutes. This will ensure that the compressor oil is evenly distributed throughout the system and will prevent the sealing elements from drying out.

Quite often, damage to the compressor shaft seal is due to the fact that the system has not been used for a long time. These systematic activations of the air conditioner will also help to detect any malfunctions, which can then be corrected before they develop into serious and costly breakdowns. In addition, given the climate throughout the year, we can schedule an annual inspection by a specialist to at least avoid unnecessary queues. And finally, something that should further convince that the air conditioner is worth using regardless of the time of year, especially when there is a lot of moisture in the air. Then even the most efficient ventilation and heating system in the cabin will not cope with misted windows when the air conditioner is on.

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