Step by step: how to remove snow from the windshield without damaging the car

Step by step: how to remove snow from the windshield without damaging the car

Always remember to make sure you are not using products that could damage your car's windshield.

You're using metal scraper remove ice or snow on the windshield your car, oh you pour hot water on ice so that it melts faster?, if so, then this information is for you. However, these are the common ways people defrost their car windshields. these methods can seriously damage the windshield. Hot water can cause the windshield to crack, and a metal scraper can scratch the windshield, making it hard to see, especially when the sun shines on the scratched area.

While taking your time and taking your time de-icing your car is really the best way to de-ice, there are other ways you can do to de-ice faster. Here we will tell you 3 ways that it will be easier to defrost the car without damaging it, and what you need to do step by step to forget about this little problem.

1. Use Vinegar

There is a myth that if you spray a frozen windshield with a mixture of water and vinegar, the mixture will cause the ice to melt. While the mixture won't melt ice, you can prevent ice from forming by spraying it on your windshield the night before. Mix two to three parts apple cider vinegar with one part water. Then spray the resulting mixture on the windshield. The acidity of the vinegar will prevent ice from forming, so you won't even have to worry about defrosting your car the next morning. However, keep in mind that you should never use this mixture on a windshield that has cracks or chips that have not been repaired. The acidity of the mixture can further damage these cracks and chips.

2. Mix water with alcohol

If your windshield is iced up and you need to thaw it quickly, simply mix two parts isopropyl alcohol with one part room temperature water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto your windshield and then all you have to do is sit back and wait. Alcohol causes ice to instantly slide off the windshield. If there is a thick layer of ice on the windshield, you may need to repeat this process until all the ice is gone.

3. Use table salt

The last way to safely defrost your windshield is to mix one tablespoon of salt with two cups of water. Apply the mixture to your windshield and the salt will melt the ice. To speed up this process, you can use a plastic ice scraper to remove the ice when it starts to melt. The plastic scraper should only be used to remove already thawed pieces of ice and should not be pressed against the windshield as it may scratch the glass with sufficient force.

Remember that if your vehicle has been damaged, you must repair or replace it immediately. Driving with a damaged windshield can affect your line of sight while driving and compromise your safety if you get into an accident, so you should always keep it in optimal condition, even with ice protection.

If you have more serious problems with heavy snow on your car, the following video will surely help you.




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