Turn signals at the roundabout - how to use them in accordance with the regulations?
Machine operation

Turn signals at the roundabout - how to use them in accordance with the regulations?

Surprisingly, the Polish courts say more about turning on a flasher at a roundabout than in the SDA. This is due to the fact that the topic of the roundabout is only marginally covered in the rules. Therefore, the turn signals at the roundabout must be used in accordance with the rules for crossing and driving on the right-of-way. When their use is not justified and what are the habits of drivers to turn them on when not needed? To find out!

Left turn signal at the roundabout - is it necessary?

According to court orders, you can not use the left turn signal at the roundabout, especially when entering it. Why? The driver of a vehicle entering a roundabout does not change direction. It continues to follow the same path, albeit a circular one. An exception is a two- or multi-lane roundabout, where it is necessary to signal a lane change immediately after entering the intersection.

Entrance to the roundabout - turn signal and its legality at the roundabout

Proponents of using a left turn signal when entering a roundabout point out that it helps other drivers know the direction of an approaching vehicle. However, it is worth referring to the regulations to make sure which turn signals are indicated on the roundabout. The general rules for saddlers can help with this. When should they be included? They are needed when you signal:

  • lane change;
  • direction change. 

A roundabout is a specific roundabout. Do we turn on the turn signal when entering a roundabout? No, because the direction of movement remains the same.

When to use a turn signal at a roundabout?

There are certain situations where you absolutely must follow the turn signal rule. A roundabout is all about taking a specific exit. Suppose there are 3 exits at the roundabout and you are heading to the second one. In this case, immediately after passing the first exit, you should turn on the right flasher at the roundabout so that the vehicle that wants to enter it knows that you are going to leave it. This applies to any exit you choose.

Is it mandatory to use a turn signal at a roundabout?

Let's single out one thing - turn signals at the roundabout are needed in certain situations. Just because you don't have to use your left turn signal when entering a roundabout doesn't mean you're exempt from using your turn signal at all. As we already mentioned, signaling the direction of movement is needed in two situations - when leaving a roundabout and when changing lanes at a multi-lane intersection. However, the latter situation can be avoided at certain points in time. which the?

Use of turn signals at a multi-lane roundabout

At roundabouts with multiple lanes, it is sometimes necessary to change it. For example, wanting to drive in a different direction or simply making a mistake. An effective way to avoid having to change lanes at a roundabout and turn into directions is to follow lane markings. When you reach the roundabout, you will notice the predicted direction of traffic in certain lanes.

Roundabout turn signals and horizontal signs

Typically, at multi-lane roundabouts, the rightmost lane is reserved for the first right exit. Sometimes it is combined with the movement directly. In turn, the extreme left often leads to the penultimate and last exit to the roundabout, as well as to the movement directly. The turn signals at the roundabout won't help you if you choose the correct lane before you enter the roundabout. This will affect the smoothness of driving and the safety of other road users.

How to drive through a roundabout with multiple lanes without road markings?

The situation is even more complicated when there are no horizontal signs and there is more than one lane on the roundabout. How then to behave? The rule is that when driving on a two-lane roundabout:

  • when turning right, you occupy the right lane;
  • going straight, you occupy the right or left lane;
  • turning around, you find yourself in the left lane.

Traffic on a roundabout with three lanes

Here, in practice, the situation is a little more complicated, because the theory is just as simple. When driving at a roundabout with multiple lanes, you must:

  • turn right into the right lane;
  • take any straight lane;
  • turn left or go left.

Roundabout exit - pointer and examples of situations

But here's the hardest part. Remember that turn signals at the roundabout are required when changing lanes. But what to do when leaving the roundabout? What to do if one of the drivers is in the right lane, but does not turn off? It takes precedence over you if you want to turn from the left lane to the right. Otherwise, you would cut off his lane and cross the right-of-way. Therefore, you must give way before exiting and, if necessary, stop if you exit the roundabout from the left lane.

U-turns at a roundabout - turn signal versus course and driver's license rules

As for the turn signal at the roundabout, the Rules of the Road are not precise, so you can see its effect on the road. Many drivers throw the flasher “just in case”. Others were taught this during the course and stick to it. Unfortunately, many driving school staff teach this behavior knowing that the examiners stop the exams due to the lack of a left turn signal in front of the roundabout. So this throwing of the turn signal can be somehow explained. However, it is much more important to signal your intention to leave the roundabout.Which turn signals you turn on at the roundabout determines the possibility of changing lanes and signaling the exit from the intersection. Remember that turn signals are turned on at the request of the driver, so the C-12 sign does not give you the right to turn them on when entering a roundabout.

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