Rules for driving around the ring - traffic rules for 2014/2015
Machine operation

Rules for driving around the ring - traffic rules for 2014/2015

The ring, or roundabout, is traditionally one of the most dangerous places. The main reason for this is that drivers often forget about elementary rules.

Priority at the roundabout

In order to clarify this issue once and for all, amendments were adopted, according to which several designations began to be installed in front of the ring at once. In addition to the “Roundabout” sign, you can also see signs such as: “Give way” and “STOP”. If you see these signs in front of you, then priority is given to those vehicles that are currently at the intersection, and they need to be skipped and only then start moving.

To make the combination of “Give way” and “Roundabout” signs more informative and drivers understand what is required of them, a third sign is sometimes posted - “Main Road” with a sign “Main Road Direction”, and the main road can cover both ring, and its half, three quarters and one quarter. If the direction of the main road covers only part of the ring, then when entering such an intersection, we must remember the configuration of the intersection in order to know in which case we should give priority, and when we should pass first.

Rules for driving around the ring - traffic rules for 2014/2015

If there is only a “Roundabout” sign, then the principle of interference on the right applies and in this case it is necessary to give way to those vehicles that are currently entering the roundabout.

It is worth noting that if a traffic light is installed in front of the intersection, that is, the intersection is regulated, then the questions - who is obliged to give way to whom - disappear by themselves, and the rules for driving an ordinary intersection apply.

Lane selection

An important question is which lane you need to cross the roundabout. It will depend on your intentions - to turn right, left, or continue straight ahead. The rightmost lane is occupied if you need to turn right. If you are going to turn left, then take the extreme left side. If you want to continue driving straight, then you need to navigate based on the number of lanes and drive either along the central lane, or along the extreme right, if there are only two lanes.

If you need to make a full U-turn, then take the leftmost lane and go around the ring completely.

Light signals

Light signals must be given in such a way as not to mislead other drivers. Even if you are going to turn left, you do not need to turn on the left turn signal, when you enter the ring, first turn on the right turn, and when you start turning left, then switch to the left.

That is, you need to adhere to the rule - "in which direction I turn the steering wheel, I turn on that turn signal."

Rules for driving around the ring - traffic rules for 2014/2015

Departure from the ring

You also need to remember how the exit from the circle is carried out. According to the traffic rules, you can only go to the extreme right lane. That is, even if you drove from the left lane, then you will need to change lanes on the circle itself, while you need to give way to all those vehicles that are an obstacle to you on the right or continue to move in their lane. It is the exit from the circle that often leads to accidents when drivers do not give way.

To sum up all the above, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • move around the ring counterclockwise;
  • the sign “Roundabout” means an equivalent roundabout - the rule of interference on the right applies;
  • the sign “Roundabout” and “Give way” – priority to those vehicles that move in a circle, the principle of interference on the right operates on the ring itself;
  • “Roundabout”, “Give way”, “Direction of the main road” – priority for those vehicles that are on the main road;
  • light signals - in which direction I turn, I turn on that signal, the signals switch at the moment of movement along the ring;
  • exit is carried out only on the extreme right lane.

Of course, there are completely different situations in life, for example, difficult intersections, when not two roads intersect, but three, or tram rails are laid along the ring, and so on. But if you constantly travel along the same routes, then over time, remember the features of the passage of any intersections. Moreover, over time, you can remember every road sign and every bump.

Video about the correct movement around the ring


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