Additive RVS Master in automatic transmission and CVT - description, properties, how to apply
Tips for motorists

Additive RVS Master in automatic transmission and CVT - description, properties, how to apply

It is difficult to find negative reviews about the RVS Master Transmission atr7 additive in automatic transmissions and CVTs. Motorists are satisfied with the solution, they say that they use the composition on Russian and foreign cars. It is noted that the car starts better in the winter on a cold engine.

Rvs Master is an additive from Finnish developers that allows you to make minor repairs to the transmission and engine without dismantling. It is undesirable to resort to such a repair, because the product is not a miracle tool that can glue any metals together. But the layer created by the liquid increases the wear resistance of the parts. This is the true value of the Rvs Master.


The fluid reduces the effects of prolonged exposure from friction. As a result, the resource of mechanisms increases, parts work longer. The additive restores and compensates for wear. After pouring, an increased layer of 0,5-0,7 mm appears on the parts.

RVS can be used with other additives, since the liquid does not react with them. The chemical composition of the oil used does not change, as do the properties.

Using the variator in combination with oil, the motorist will receive:

  • increase in the resource of connecting rod bearings by almost 50%;
  • increasing the power of the internal combustion engine;
  • compression recovery;
  • reduction of oil consumption by 30%.
Additive RVS Master in automatic transmission and CVT - description, properties, how to apply

RVS Master Transmission atr7

It is important to understand that it is useless to use the tool for an engine in critical condition: a heavily worn unit needs a major overhaul.

Composition and article

Variator contains:

  • about 90% magnesium silicate;
  • slightly less than 2,5% amphibole;
  • 5% forsterita;
  • up to 2,5% graphite.

The article in stores is GA4.

Mechanism of action

After pouring into an internal combustion engine or gearbox, the liquid forms a protective layer capable of restoring minor wear, for example, on car pistons. The resulting protection is much stronger than the composition formed as a result of electroplating with chromium.

Additive RVS Master in automatic transmission and CVT - description, properties, how to apply

Mechanism of action

The tool can be used with a car mileage of up to 300 km.

How to apply

The composition is forbidden to be used on gasoline engines, where there is a clear mechanical failure (wear over 50%). If a motorist uses oils with Teflon or other active additives, then the internal combustion engine must be flushed and replaced with regular oil.

Experts do not recommend filling RVS Master if there is an oil leak in the engine. The composition simply does not have time to grab. When mixing with other fluids, it is important to make sure they are not old.

There is enough product in the bottle for a single treatment of internal combustion engines. If a better layer is required, more packaging is required.

Procedure for the first processing:

  • wait for the engine to warm up to operating temperature;
  • “RVS Master” warm to room temperature and shake for about 30 seconds;
  • pour fluid into the engine and wait 15 minutes while it is idling;
  • turn off the engine and wait a minute, then restart the car - for an hour at idle.

Processing is considered completed when 400-500 km of run is reached - running in the internal combustion engine.

Additive RVS Master in automatic transmission and CVT - description, properties, how to apply

Additive application

Then you can proceed to repeat the operation by changing some conditions:

See also: Additive in automatic transmission against kicks: features and rating of the best manufacturers
  • change oil and filter;
  • perform the same actions as during the first processing;
  • break in the car - 1500-2000 km.
If the internal combustion engine is worn out badly, then additional processing will be required. But it is advisable to give the car for repair, and not risk it.

Reviews about the additive in automatic transmission

It is difficult to find negative reviews about the RVS Master Transmission atr7 additive in automatic transmissions and CVTs. Motorists are satisfied with the solution, they say that they use the composition on Russian and foreign cars. It is noted that the car starts better in the winter on a cold engine.

The additive is not a universal repair tool, but it can extend the life of the engine when used correctly.

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