Engine oil additives to reduce oil consumption

Engine oil additives to reduce oil consumption

The car engine needs high-quality fuels and lubricants that protect the unit parts from premature wear. To improve the quality of the oil, various additives are added to it, which ensure good operation of the internal combustion engine and low oil consumption. If your car requires a lot of lubrication or leaks regularly, it's worth investigating what is wrong and eliminating the cause.

Why does the oil level go away quickly?

High oil consumption is not always caused by a malfunctioning engine or a hidden leak in the system. If you are a fan of fast cross-country driving and hard braking, then it's no surprise that your car is eating oil like crazy. When driving at high speeds, the lubricant overheats and begins to evaporate on the way to the cylinders, where it completely burns out without a trace. Try to drive in the usual city mode, if the consumption is still high - you need to look for the reason until you get to a major and expensive repair.

Engine oil additives to reduce oil consumption

There are three main reasons why oil can be consumed in large quantities:

  1. Incorrect choice... The lubricant must be selected carefully, taking into account its viscosity level and the presence or absence of additives.
  2. You pour a lot... This is not the case when you can't spoil porridge with butter. Pour as much as is technically necessary - no more, no less.
  3. Simple car... If you rarely use the machine and it is idle for a long time, be prepared to change the oil more often than usual. The chemical components that make up the liquid lose their properties when diluted.

In the first case, the problem can be solved very simply: you need to choose the right brand of oil, based on the needs of your car. In the second and third cases, the issue with increased consumption is also resolved quickly, it is only necessary to exclude human factors that affect the situation.

It is much more difficult to resolve the issue if none of these reasons are suitable for your case. Without technical inspection, it is difficult to determine the true cause of the high consumption.

If a blue smoke appears in the exhaust gases or the candles go out of place during ignition, pay attention to these external signs. They indicate that the oil consumption has been exceeded. Carbon deposits form on the candles, excess oil burns out in the exhaust pipe. The system is worn out and needs urgent repair.

What are additives for?

In general, additives were invented to increase the life of parts. They protect them from premature abrasion and deformation. The use will be beneficial if the product is selected correctly. Can't figure it out yourself and decide which drug is needed for the treatment of a car? Ask for help in specialized stores, talk to representatives of the manufacturer, and only then make a purchase.

The main thing is not to delay, because mechanisms whose degree of wear is 20 or 30% has a much higher chance of delaying damage.

Engine oil additives to reduce oil consumption

Old school car enthusiasts are often suspicious of various special equipment. They consider them to be a siphon of money and a pointless acquisition. But don't be so skeptical about new products in the world of automotive service. After all, progress does not stand still and with the help of additives it is possible not only to significantly reduce oil consumption, but also to protect parts from premature wear.

Before buying any advertised miracle products for a car, you need to clearly define: do you need them or not? If this tool came up to your neighbor in the garage, then it is not at all a fact that it will not damage the engine of your car.

Let's conditionally divide the technical condition of an internal combustion engine into three stages:

  1. The engine is new. Overrun problems usually do not arise at all, or they can be easily solved by choosing a good additive.
  2. High-mileage engine. The machine does not function without additives. The problems are not only in the increased oil consumption, but also in the wear of parts, the formation of crankcase gases. Having picked up the necessary additive, you will postpone the overhaul of a car for several years.
  3. The engine is killed. Oil consumption is high, bearings knock, troite. In this case, the additive will not help. The patient is more dead than alive. A full-scale renovation is required.

The benefits of using additives

It is worth noting that if the additive is selected correctly, then the effect of its use will be noticeable from the first trip. Significant reduction in oil consumption is one of the major, but not the most ambitious, achievements. The additives reduce fuel consumption and friction losses, and reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases. Increases engine power and torque at low and medium revs. This fact will undoubtedly affect the driving dynamics, which will be impossible not to notice.

The additives equalize the compression values ​​in all cylinders of the vehicle. Rubbing and damaged surfaces are covered with a special abrasive material that is part of the products.

Fuel-saving additives clean the fuel system of accumulated dirt and carbon deposits. Such additives are needed when the engine power decreases and the car suddenly starts to dull. This suggests that the last gas station was not the best gasoline. Some owners of gas stations dilute gasoline for additional profit, which necessarily affects the operation of the engine. Fuel-saving additives are added periodically, especially if you have to refuel in an unfamiliar place.

Read also on our portal an article about the popular Suprotek additive: instructions for use.

Special additives for the gas tank remove condensate that accumulates there periodically. Anti-smoke additives suppress the formation of carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, reduce smoke and noise during engine operation.

Engine oil additives to reduce oil consumption

Restorative additives are intended for the correction of the inner surface of the engine with high mileage. They, like a putty, rub off all small damages, chips and cracks in the cylinder walls, thereby increasing the engine power and its compression. In addition, such additives have cleansing properties: carbon deposits and dirt are removed, and frequent oil changes are not required.

The eight most important positives from the use of additives are worth noting:

  1. Increase compression.
  2. Reduced wear on the engine and the entire system.
  3. Reducing fuel consumption by 8% or 10%.
  4. Reducing the consumption of fuels and lubricants.
  5. Significant reduction in hazardous emissions into the atmosphere.
  6. Increase engine power
  7. Reducing noise and vibration.
  8. Cleaning working surfaces from carbon deposits and dirt.

Unfortunately, additives are not a universal remedy. They have a rather narrow focus and work effectively only with an acceptable engine wear (no more than 40%). If the engine of your car is badly worn out, do not expect a miracle. The additive will not help correct defects in worn parts, because it is they that affect the operation of the engine and the entire machine.

Questions and answers:

What additives reduce engine oil consumption? You can use Hi-Gear Oil Treatment Old Cars & Taxi; Resurs Universal; Liqui Moly Oil Additiv; Bardahl Turbo Protect; Suprotek Universal-100.

What can you put into the engine so that you don't eat oil? Before using additives, you need to find out why the engine uses oil. You can use any oil additive to eliminate the oil scraper, following the manufacturer's instructions.

How do you know if there are additives in the oil? This is indicated by the label on the container. Outwardly, they can rarely be identified. In some cases, their presence is indicated by a certain carbon deposit on the spark plugs or exhaust pipe.

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