Signs of malfunction or malfunction of the main relay (computer / fuel system)
Auto repair

Signs of malfunction or malfunction of the main relay (computer / fuel system)

Common symptoms include: the engine will not start, the inability to run for a long time, and the Check Engine light comes on.

The engine computer in your car is a very important piece of equipment. Without the correct operation of this part of the car, you will practically not be able to drive the car for its intended purpose. In order for this part of the car to work properly, it needs power supplied by the main relay. The main relay helps ensure that the engine computer receives the power it needs to operate and function as intended.

The main relay is usually located under the hood in the relay box. The high temperature this relay is exposed to can cause serious damage over time. When the main relay starts to malfunction, you will have to find a way to fix the problems in a hurry. Failure to act quickly in such a situation can lead to great instability.

The engine will not start

Most car owners take their engine for granted until there is a problem with it. If the engine does not start, check the main relay. If the main relay is not supplying the engine computer with the power it needs, the engine will not start and run properly. Failure to replace the main relay usually results in the vehicle becoming unusable.

The car can not work for a long time

If the car starts and stalls almost immediately after that, then the main relay may be to blame. The only way to be sure this problem is fixed is to take the time to check and replace the relay if necessary. Having a car that constantly cuts out can be very frustrating and dangerous in certain situations. Replacing the main relay is the only way to restore the stability your car has lost.

The check engine light is on

When the Check Engine light comes on on your car, you will need to take the time to inspect it. The best way to find out why the light is on is to go to a store that has diagnostic equipment. They will be able to pinpoint exactly what problems are causing the Check Engine light to appear.

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