Five myths about alcohol while driving
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Five myths about alcohol while driving

Those who drink should not drive a car - not only because of possible violations of the law, but mainly because of the safety - of themselves and others on the road. In this review, we look at five of the most common drunk driving myths that have a calming effect on drinkers but can lead to accidents.

1. Eat well before drinking

Five myths about alcohol while driving

The veracity of this statement is not so much related to the calculation of the ppm, but to the fact that eating leads to a longer retention of alcohol in the stomach and a later and slower passage of blood through the upper small intestine. But the problem is that the absorption of alcohol is not canceled, but only slows down.

2. Drink plenty of water with alcohol

Five myths about alcohol while driving

There is also some truth here. Drinking water is generally good for the body and helps with dehydration caused by the diuretic function of alcohol. But this does not change either the alcohol content or its amount taken by the body. The amount of water associated with the action of alcohol is the same as a large portion of food.

3. you can drink, but a few hours before driving

Five myths about alcohol while driving

If you did not drink alcohol a few hours before driving, then it can be assumed that it is safe to drive. But if you are well “loaded” with alcohol, a few hours is not enough. An organism can decompose about 0,1 to 0,15 ppm of alcohol per hour.

4. Before the trip, it is enough to do a test on a ppm on the Internet

Five myths about alcohol while driving

If you think you have a few minutes to lose in a fun calculation per mille in front of your computer, please. But no online alcohol tests are enough to calculate the actual alcohol content in your blood. They may cover too few parameters important for the calculation.

5. Experience is important

Five myths about alcohol while driving

No one will argue - "you will not drink experience." But in practice the truth is this: the experience does not accelerate the work of the brain, which is under the influence of alcohol. Good experience is important anyway, but don't get too arrogant.

And one more thing for the finale. Two beers (only one liter) with an alcohol content of 5% vol. equal to 50 ml of pure alcohol. These 50 milliliters dissolve in body fluids, but not in bones. Therefore, when calculating the ppm, the content of body fluids relative to bones is taken into account. This setting is different for men and women.

A man weighing 90 kilograms and two beer cans during the test will give a result of about 0,65 ppm of blood alcohol concentration.

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