Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

Diluted or low-quality fuel is the fear of every driver. Unfortunately, in our time, such an "incident" is far from uncommon. Drivers often fill up at unreliable gas stations, especially out of a desire to save a few cents. And although the authorities check the quality of the fuel, the likelihood that you put bad fuel in your car's tank is not small. Therefore, it is worth refueling only at proven gas stations. It is also important to know the following five signs that will help you know that you have filled in low-quality fuel.

Engine malfunction

The engine does not start after refueling or not the first time? This is one of the clearest signs that there is a clear fake in the fuel system. However, even if nothing like this happens, it will not be superfluous to listen to the sounds of the engine. Accelerator pedal clatter can also indicate bad fuel. Impaired engine stability, the appearance of problems with the crankshaft, as well as the movement of "jumps" after refueling - all this also indicates the presence of low-quality fuel.

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

Loss of power

We accelerate and feel that the car is not accelerating like it used to. Congratulations is another telltale sign that something is wrong (most likely) after the last refueling. At best, we were filled with gasoline with a lower octane rating. You can check its quality yourself. Just pour a few drops on a piece of paper if it doesn't dry out and remains greasy - there are impurities in gasoline.

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

Black smoke from the exhaust pipe

It will not be superfluous to check the operation of the car's exhaust system for some time after refueling. If black smoke comes out of the muffler (and there was none before), then there is every reason to check the fuel. Most likely the problem is in it and there are a lot of impurities in gasoline that "smoke" during combustion.

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

“Check Engine”

In some cases, the "Check Engine" indicator on the instrument panel may also light up due to poor quality fuel. This is most often the case with diluted fuels in which oxygenated additives are present in large quantities. Some manufacturers use them to increase the octane rating of the fuel. Of course, such a decision will not bring any benefit to the car, it will only harm.

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

Increase in consumption

Last but not least, a sign that we have filled in low-quality or frankly fake fuel is a significant increase in consumption just a few kilometers after refueling. Don't underestimate the danger of cost overruns. This easily leads to clogging and subsequent failure of the fuel filter.

Five Signs We've Drenched Bad Fuel

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