Hair regeneration: how to save split ends and dry hair after winter?
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Hair regeneration: how to save split ends and dry hair after winter?

Many people struggle with the problem of damaged hair after winter. Dry, broken ends, tousled hair and nasty roughness mean you need to trim at least a few inches? With proper care - not necessarily! We present ways to regenerate hair, restoring its former healthy look and beautiful shine.

Dry, split ends after winter - what causes winter hair damage?

In autumn and winter, several problems with the head can occur. First: static hair, second: dry and split ends, and finally curly and dry strands. In addition, hair loss intensifies in autumn, so it may seem that there is a little less hair. It all starts when the temperature drops and the radiators turn on or the air conditioner turns on. Changes in temperature and dry air have the same effect on the skin and hair: they cause a rapid loss of moisture. In addition, loose hair rubbing against woolen sweaters, hats and scarves simply destroys - the outer layer of keratin is erased and crumbled. Hair weakened in this way is electrified by contact with wool or artificial fabrics.

And what now? How to regenerate damaged hair? The answer is an adequate emergency treatment that will moisturize them from the inside, strengthen the keratin and make the hair resistant to dry, humid or frosty air. Of course, we mean carefully selected cosmetics that will make your hair shine with a healthy shine.

Hair regeneration: start with thermal protection

Daily warm air drying, curling or straightening hair is a constant contact of keratin (which is their natural building material) with heat. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the hair becomes dry. Moreover, what hairdressers call sensitization sometimes happens. This term means that the hair becomes extremely susceptible to all negative external factors, which means that their resistance to further sudden changes in temperature, wind, dry air or improper care decreases. They become very porous, so their scales open up a lot - it begins to resemble a cone. All this translates into lighter brittleness or brittleness of the hair, as well as weight loss (in terms of thickness).

That is why it is so important to constantly protect them from high temperatures. Every time before you dry your hair with hot air, or style it warm (with a heated straightener, curling iron or just a brush, but with a hairdryer), use a cosmetic product that will act as an invisible protective film. Spray, cream or light emulsion - choose your favorite texture and use immediately before heating your hair. The formula of such a cosmetic should contain moisturizing, strengthening and filling components of hair keratin. Ceramide, which closes the hair cuticle, and procreatin, which is responsible for filling defects in the hair structure, deserve special attention - like cement. You can find them, for example, in Resistance Kerastase Thermal Conditioner, Kerastase Thermal Nectar or Goldwell Thermal Protective Serum.

Hair regeneration: strengthen hair follicles every day

Seasonal hair loss is unfortunately a very common problem. This phenomenon is mainly influenced by changes in the weather, diet (in winter, less vitamins are consumed from fruits and vegetables due to their seasonal lack) and lifestyle (evenings are spent mainly in a heated room with dry air). Although it will be very important to strengthen the hair, of course it will be important to continue to provide the body with the necessary vitamins (especially H - biotin, from groups B, A, E, D and C), if not from seasonal fruits, then at least through supplementary feeding, proper care is no less important. . A daily scalp massage will certainly help. Hairdressers say this is very important because it increases blood flow to the follicles and thus acts as an instant conditioner against hair loss. So massage your head with your fingertips while washing your hair or dry it when you have a free moment. Remember to rub your hair excessively; when rubbing against each other, they will continue to lose keratin. And this is, of course, a recurring problem with brittle hair.

It will be equally important to include a cosmetic product with a stimulating effect in the standard hair care. After each wash, rub the preparation with vitamins, essential oils and peptides into the scalp so that it lasts longer. For example, a Kerastase hair loss spray is well suited.

Hair regeneration: make sure you wash your hair properly

An extremely common mistake in standard hair care concerns the most basic care: washing. First of all, it is worth abandoning highly foaming shampoos - that is, primarily containing SLS, SLES and ALES. The result of their too frequent use is usually dry scalp. This powerfully cleansing shampoo, popularly known as a ripper, should be used on average once a month to thoroughly get rid of all sorts of scalp impurities, excess sebum or styling residue. In daily care, more delicate products are sufficient, focused on providing the scalp with the necessary emollients (lubricants), moisturizers (moisturizers) and proteins (proteins). Moreover, the hair, as well as the cuticle, is covered with a protective film - the more often you wash it off with aggressive shampoos, the more the hair dries out. So fortify them all the way with a rich shampoo formula like Goldwell Repairing Shampoo.

Hair regeneration: don't forget to eat regularly

Conditioner is another indispensable element of everyday hair care in the fall. Properly selected, after removing the cap, there will be no static in the hair. This is especially important if your hair is dry and frizzy - hair with high porosity. Choose the richest formulas, thick and creamy, filled with regenerating ingredients like shea butter, macadamia nut oil and omega-6 fatty acids.

The manufacturer always indicates the rules for using conditioners during hair regeneration, usually recommending applying them to still wet strands. Then they absorb active nutrients better - warm water opens their cuticles, making them easier to penetrate into the hair structure. Depending on the cosmetic product, you may need to hold it on your head for several or even several minutes - it is worth doing this under a cap or cling film to warm your hair even more. However, special care should be taken to ensure that the conditioner is always applied below the base of the hair so that it does not make the scalp greasy. You should start from about the height of the ears. If you're looking for a truly intensely regenerating beauty treatment, be sure to try the Kallos Rich Fatty Acid Mask formula.

Hair regeneration: PEH balance also in stylers

What is a PEH balance? Provides the hair with proteins, emollients and moisturizers in appropriate proportions. You can read more about this in our care articles:

low porosity hair

medium porosity hair,

hair with high porosity.

Maintaining this balance is worth maintaining by choosing stylers that, in addition to the ingredients that fix the hairstyle, will also provide hair with protective (especially in the case of cosmetics used in thermal styling), nutrition and care.

One such ingredient is, for example, bamboo extract, which increases hair elasticity. They are also UV filters that protect the hair from the sun; it is not always enough in winter and autumn! The product to look out for is Goldwell Mattifying Paste, which not only gives them a healthy, beautiful smoothness, but also nourishes and protects against UV radiation.

Hair Restoration: Make Sure You Comb It Correctly

Another common mistake that causes static electricity, tangles, and hair breakage is over brushing. Too aggressive combing of tangled strands, unfortunately, damages the hair, leading to breaks, brittleness and chips. Therefore, firstly, it is worth using the brush carefully, without jerking, and secondly, before combing, apply oils that will make them smooth, and also choose the right tool for combing. Avoid hard, sharp teeth and use natural bristles. Try, for example, Olivia Garden's natural boar bristle brush, which is anti-static, which means it prevents hair from static electricity.

Hair regeneration: try an intensive nourishing treatment

Olaplex dietary treatment has a very good reputation. No wonder, because it brings noticeable and, above all, immediate effects. You can get a professional treatment with it at the hairdresser's or use the Olaplex regenerating treatment for home use! It is the right choice for people for whom brittle and dry hair is an everyday nuisance, not only due to winter damage, but also due to styling treatments such as bleaching. All you have to do is use the power of this treatment once a week to repair damaged hair structure, add softness, smoothness and a beautiful, healthy shine.

Hair regeneration: use the nourishing power of natural hair oils

A warm bath combined with hair oil is a good idea for a chilly evening - warming up after walking the dog, returning from a day shift or meeting friends. Apply it to the entire length of the hair immediately after shampooing and place in warm water for at least a quarter of an hour. This will open the cuticles of the hair, which means that the oil will be better absorbed, introducing all the most important nutrients inside. Hair will become soft, shiny and elastic. And if you're not in the bath, apply oil after your shower - and cover your hair with a shower cap or cling film to warm your scalp. And which product should you choose? Good oils are especially Ayurvedic oils with a high content of herbal extracts or pure oils such as argan or coconut. You can try, for example, the Ayurvedic oil Orientana.

Hair regeneration: pure cotton instead of a towel

The most sensitive and damaged hair sometimes needs a little change in the daily washing ritual. The change we're going to talk about now may seem like a small change, but it really works - and it's actually very important. It's about ditching the traditional terry towel in favor of a XNUMX% cotton towel or a regular cotton T-shirt. Why is it so important? Unfortunately, terry cloths cause hair to rub against each other. Moreover, they absorb water relatively poorly, so many people rub them intensively into the scalp in order to dry their hair as best as possible. This is a big mistake - such scrubbing additionally crumbles keratin. Cotton, in turn, is a very delicate material, and at the same time perfectly absorbs water. Thanks to this, it is enough to press the hair into it - and let it dry on its own or with a cool blow from the hair dryer (which closes the cuticle).

Hair regeneration: don't forget to cleanse your scalp

This is a moment that goes hand in hand with the previously mentioned switch to gentle wash shampoos. Scrubbing your scalp will thoroughly cleanse your scalp of silicones or products that stick to your hair, such as sprays and styling gels, that a light shampoo might not be able to handle. In addition, peeling will take care of the health of the scalp itself, exfoliating the dead epidermis, and a light scalp massage performed during it will stimulate the hair follicles. Remember, though, that you shouldn't apply the scrub directly to the hair - rubbing the particles onto the hair's surface will have the opposite effect of what is intended, thus rubbing in the keratin. To start hair regeneration from the scalp, try the Radical Trichology Scrub.

You can nourish your hair after winter. However, this requires choosing the right cosmetics and abandoning bad care habits. Choose the right products and strengthen your hair.

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