with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.
Machine operation

with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.

No matter how reliable the engine is, its service life is limited. However, you can extend the service life with the help of various aids. The most important thing is the right engine oil. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations in everything, follow the oil change regimen, change fuel and oil filters in a timely manner, your car will thank you with reliable operation.

Today, motorists are in great demand for various additives to fuel and engine oil. On our website Vodi.su, we have already told you which additives should be used on diesel engines in winter. In the same article, I would like to dwell in more detail on a common topic - additives for a diesel engine:

  • types by chemical composition;
  • purpose;
  • most popular brands for diesel.

But before proceeding directly to the topic, I would like to remind you once again that most additives are recommended to be used only on cars with a mileage of 100 thousand km or more. On new cars, they are not needed, since the grinding of parts is still taking place. It will be enough to use high-quality oil and change it in a timely manner.

with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.

Types of additives

According to the chemical composition, all auxiliary compositions for diesel engines can be divided into three large groups:

  • with the inclusion of fine compositions;
  • metal-cladding;
  • based on chlorinated paraffins and polyester substances.

The former include, for example, XADO products, about which there is already an article on Vodi.su. Their main purpose of application is to obtain a thin protective film on all metal surfaces due to the settling of a finely dispersed composition consisting of cermets. Settling occurs at high operating temperatures.

The latter are designed to protect precisely rubbing and metal parts that come into contact. These can be cylinder walls and pistons, crankshaft journals and connecting rods. These two types are among the most expensive and effective supplements. The effect of their action is so good that minders, during the overhaul, have to literally remove the layer of cermet with the help of special grinders.

Additives based on paraffins and polyester substances are among the most accessible. They are used to impart certain qualities to engine oil or diesel fuel. So, due to some compositions, it is possible to achieve an increase in the cetane number of diesel fuel, due to which power also increases. Also, their use is justified for cleaning the fuel system from contaminants and products of combustion of the fuel-air mixture.

with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.

Purpose of additives

The purpose of using these auxiliary compositions can be very different. There are two main types of purpose:

  • narrowly focused action;
  • combined, that is, those that can perform several functions at once.

The most popular are antifriction compounds, they are added to the oil to improve its fluidity and lubricity. In winter, diesel fuel begins to thicken under the influence of frost and paraffins are formed in it, in its consistency it resembles a gel. Antigels - resist this process, clean the nozzles, increase fluidity.

There are other purposes for the use of additives:

  • removal of combustion products of fuel assemblies and deposits in engine systems: cylinder-piston group, gas distribution mechanism;
  • dehydrators - removal of excess moisture, resist corrosive and oxidative processes on metal surfaces;
  • narrowly targeted sealant additives - designed to eliminate leaks in the engine or gearbox;
  • preservation compounds - added to the oil if the car remains stationary for a long time;
  • thickeners - their use is justified in the southern regions to increase the viscosity of the oil.

As you can see, diesel additives can perform a variety of functions and can extend the life of an engine if used correctly.

with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.

The best additives

A modern diesel engine is very sensitive to fuel quality. It is subject to rapid wear when pouring low-quality fuel into the tank. However, there is a good solution - catalyst additives. The best brands:

FuelEXx Diesel or RVS Master - a Finnish product, which includes various types of alcohol, due to which the cetane number of diesel fuel increases. In addition, when using it, the nozzles are washed.

SPEED Diesel from LikviMoli - in terms of characteristics, it is similar to the previous position. It not only improves the chemical composition of a diesel engine, but is also capable of other miracles: separating moisture from fuel, binds mineral deposits, cleans nozzles, and resists burnout of valves and pistons by increasing the cetane number.

SPEED Tec Diesel LiquiMoly - in the truest sense of the word, it has a percussive effect. That is, even on the lowest quality diesel, your car will “fly”. It contains active potent substances, cleans nozzles, separates moisture, etc. It is advisable to use it only in extreme cases. And the price is not the lowest - a bottle of 250 grams costs about 700-800 rubles.

Totek - another additive in diesel. It is produced in the USA, it has a narrowly focused effect - an increase in the cetane number. Today it is the most affordable option on the market.

with high mileage, to increase compression, etc.

Oil additives

We will not dwell on antigels, since there is already such an article on Vodi.su. We list the most rated oil additives:

Phenomenon - Suitable for both diesel and petrol. Cleans the entire lubrication system from sediment and carbon deposits.

Kerry KR-390 - flushing, which is poured before changing the oil. Cleans the system well.

Suprotek and Hado additives - have already been written about them. When added to oil, they are able to restore damaged parts by coating them with a layer of cermet.

Please note that any additives give only a temporary effect, so do not forget about regular inspections and timely elimination of the slightest problems.


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