Scooters and e-bikes: help from Paris in 2018
Individual electric transport

Scooters and e-bikes: help from Paris in 2018

Scooters and e-bikes: help from Paris in 2018

While the French government recently formalized the 2018 e-bike bonus updates, the city of Paris has just published a new scooter and e-bike help series.

Individuals: up to 400 euros per bike or scooter.  

Launched a few years ago, the Paris scooter and electric bike assistance program remains in place for 2018. The rules have not changed: the intervention rate is set at 33% of the price of the car, including VAT, and is capped at 400 euros. ...

Please note that the bonus increases to € 600 if you purchase a cargo bike (electric or not).

A conversion bonus is available for two-wheeled electric vehicles.

 To help unload the park, the City of Paris is providing additional assistance in the event of recycling your old car.

In the amount of 400 euros, this bonus can be combined with the purchase assistance system and bring up to 800 euros the total assistance that a person can theoretically receive when buying an electric bike or electric scooter. In the case of purchasing a cargo bike, electric or electric, the amount of assistance increases to 600 euros.

This "opt-out bonus" is reserved for individuals subject to write-off:

  • petrol vehicle of Euro 1 standard or earlier,
  • diesel vehicle of Euro 2 standard or earlier
  • two-wheeled motorized vehicle registered before June 2, 1

The prize is theoretically cumulative with a government agency that provides assistance of € 100 for the purchase of an electric scooter only in the case of scrapping an old gasoline or diesel vehicle. Please note that the criteria are different: before 1997 for gasoline and until 2001 for diesel. For tax-exempt households, diesel vehicles manufactured before 2006 are eligible for participation and the amount increases to 1100 euros. 

Special tools for professionals

In addition to individuals, the city of Paris also wants to reward professionals. The new system, aimed at VSE and small and medium-sized enterprises with up to 50 employees in Paris, provides, inter alia, 400 euros in assistance for the purchase or rental of a scooter or an electric bike, and also provides up to 400 euros in funding for electrical assistive devices for electrification. bike.

For trucks, the city provides € 600 for a cargo bike with or without an escort and € 1200 for a scooter, with or without an escort.  

For recharging, the municipality is also planning a subsidy of up to 2000 euros, limited to 50% of the investment, for the installation of a site for recharging the batteries of electric two-wheelers.

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