Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car
Auto repair

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car Citroen C4

Citroen C4 is a high-quality popular car manufactured by a well-known French company. The first such unit was released in 2004. It quickly gained popularity among many consumers due to its high technical and operational characteristics. A feature of this vehicle is a leather interior, non-standard aesthetic appearance and a high level of security. That is why consumers in the Russian market, when such a vehicle appeared, paid attention to its modification. There are three- and five-door hatchbacks on the market. Option 2 is in high demand as this type of vehicle is considered more suitable for family travel.

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

Advantages of the vehicle

Numerous owners of the Citroen C4 highlight several positive qualities of such a car:

  • Attractive aesthetic appearance;
  • Innovative interior decoration made of high quality materials;
  • Superior armchairs;
  • Acceptable price range;
  • Quality service;
  • High level of efficiency of the power plant and generator;
  • Maneuverability;
  • Security;
  • Higher level of comfort;
  • Functional gearbox.

However, despite the extensive list of advantages of such a unit, users have identified several disadvantages:

  • Lack of heated seats;
  • Low bumper;
  • Non-standard rear sight;
  • Insufficiently powerful stove;

Despite the shortcomings, a French-made car is considered the best solution for domestic motorists, since such a unit can be purchased at an affordable price. Maintenance is inexpensive, as all spare parts can be ordered directly from the manufacturer's representatives.

Naturally, servicing modern cars in a service center is not cheap, so many Citroen C4 owners try to carry out repairs on their own. Repeatedly, service center specialists note how owners replace spark plugs on their own. That is why specialized recommendations and instructions were created, thanks to which each owner of the unit will be able to replace such a part without any problems.

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car


Repeatedly, the owners of the Citroen C4 were faced with a situation where the car would not start even in light frost. First, they decide to put the car in a hot box. After a certain time, the car starts like clockwork. However, there are other situations when the tricks of the owners of the unit do not help, so it is necessary to replace the spark plugs.

It is important to note that car manufacturers recommend that users replace spark plugs every 45 km. To carry out such an action, it is necessary to prepare in advance a specialized candle key for 000 and a set of specialized Torx heads. After the preparatory activities, you can proceed directly to the implementation of activities.

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

Algorithm of the performed procedures

  • Open the car hood;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • Remove the special plastic cover, which is held on by six bolts. Disassembly can be done using a special ratchet;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We disassemble the pipes from the crankcase;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • After pressing the white button, they are deleted and reserved

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We unscrew the bolts and disassemble the block of bushings;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We turn off the power. To do this, it is enough to remove a specialized plug;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We unscrew the candles with a head of size 16;

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We remove the disassembled part and compare with the new part.

Self-replacement of spark plugs on a Citroen C4 car

  • We carry out the installation of a new sail;
  • Further, all actions are performed in reverse order until the assembly is completely assembled, including closing the car hood cover.

With all the necessary tools, the procedure for replacing spark plugs on a Citroen C4 takes no more than 25 minutes. After performing these actions, the car engine should run more smoothly and quietly, and fuel consumption will drop to the level provided by the manufacturer.

Despite the fact that the instructions were created by competent and competent specialists of service centers, it is still recommended: if the client cannot independently carry out the replacement, it is important to contact competent specialists. Craftsmen complete the job in less than 20 minutes using high quality parts and tools.


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