
The most famous direct tracks in the world!

Endless, boring straight roads do not please drivers at all, although it is believed that this is the fastest way to get from point A to point B. In this article, we present five of the most famous straight roads in the world.

The longest direct highway in the world

This direct highway has a length of 289 km and is the longest in the world and refers to the highway of Saudi Arabia 10. However, this road is very boring, because on both sides of the road there is a continuous desert. The driver may fall asleep from such a "beauty." If you comply with the speed limits, then the driver must drive 50 minutes before the first turn.


The longest straight track in Europe

The length of this road by world standards is very small - only 11 kilometers. The perfectly straight road Corso Francia was built in 1711 by order of King Victor Amadeus II of Savoy and begins on Constitution Square and ends on the Square of the Martyrs of Liberty at Rivoli Castle.


The most famous direct road in the world

The road sign at the beginning of the Air Highway on Australia's southern coast says: “Australia's longest straight road.” The length of the straight stretch on this road is 144 kilometers — all without a single turn.


The widest straight road in the world

An 80 km interstate road that separates the United States from east to west, from New York to California. US Interstate 80 crosses Bonneville dried salt lake in Utah, USA. The Utah site is the best spot for drivers who hate bends. In addition, this road is interesting to drive: nearby is a 25-meter sculpture "Metaphor - Utah tree".


The oldest direct track in the world

Although today it has ceased to be direct, but in its original form, the Via Appia highway was a straight line. The road connecting Rome with Brundisium is named after the censor Appius Claudius Tseka, who built its first section in 312 BC. In 71 BC, six thousand Spartak army soldiers were crucified along the Appian Way.


Questions and answers:

What is the longest road in the world? The Pan American Highway is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It connects South and Central America (connects 12 states). The length of the highway is over 48 thousand kilometers.

What is the name of a multi-lane road? Multi-lane roads are classified as motorways. There is always a central dividing strip between the carriageways.

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