Grab. TOP 5 rules for using a clutch
Machine operation

Grab. TOP 5 rules for using a clutch

Grab. TOP 5 rules for using a clutch There are several myths popular with many drivers around the correct use of the clutch. We advise when and how to use it.

Like other mechanical elements of the car, the clutch has undergone major changes in recent years. Thanks to them, driving comfort has increased, but they have not remained indifferent to the wealth of our wallets. And now the cost of a complete clutch replacement kit has increased from a few hundred to several thousand PLN, and often even exceeds 10 XNUMX. In addition, there are labor costs, the higher, the more difficult the clutch and its replacement. And sooner or later they will have to be replaced. We will advise what to do to extend its service life.   

Grab. TOP 5 rules for using a clutch

1. Engine braking when decelerating

Driving instructors pay special attention to engine braking. This not only allows you to better control the car, but also saves brake pads, discs and ... grip.

When approaching an intersection, a traffic jam or a gate on a motorway, we must not stand idle. Many drivers think that this way you can save fuel, but in fact a much better way is to use engine braking, says Zbigniew Veseli, director of the Renault Driving School. “Riding in neutral means less control over the car, and when you need to rev up the throttle quickly, you waste time shifting gears.

Of course, in an emergency braking situation or just before a complete stop, we must depress the clutch so that the engine does not stall.

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2. Descent on the run

When going downhill, rely primarily on engine braking power and apply the brakes if additional speed limitation is required (for example, before a turn). As a result, potentially very dangerous overheating of the brakes can be prevented, especially on long, steep descents.

You can’t go down the hill with the engine off, especially with the engine off, because in most cars a running engine provides support for the braking and steering system, the instructors warn.

3. Freeplay and transmission with the clutch depressed are the same.

It happens that drivers, approaching a traffic light, squeeze the clutch and thus drive the last few tens, and sometimes several hundred meters. At the same time, driving in neutral and in gear with the clutch depressed is exactly the same. In such a situation, it causes unnecessary fuel consumption and reduces vehicle controllability.

4. Parking on the hill

When you need to park on a hill, secure the car well so that it does not roll down the hill. Therefore, in addition to turning on the handbrake, it is recommended to leave the car in gear and turn the wheels.

Grab. TOP 5 rules for using a clutch

5. The light does not work

While waiting for a lamp change or during a short stop with the engine running (for longer periods it is recommended to turn off the drive), shift the gear to neutral. As a result, the clutch wears out less than when the first gear is engaged, and this is also a more convenient and safe solution - after turning on the handbrake, you can take your feet off the pedals.

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