Symptoms of a Faulty or Faulty Automatic Shutdown Relay
Auto repair

Symptoms of a Faulty or Faulty Automatic Shutdown Relay

Common symptoms include the car starting but stopping immediately, the Check Engine light comes on, and the engine won't start when the key is turned.

The electronic engine management systems on modern vehicles are made up of complex fuel and ignition systems that work together to keep the vehicle running. Both systems are made up of different components that work together to provide synchronized fuel delivery and engine ignition. One such component is the automatic shutdown relay, commonly referred to as the ASD relay. The ASD relay is responsible for supplying switched 12 volt power to the vehicle's injectors and ignition coils, allowing them to supply fuel and produce a spark.

In some cases, the ASD relay also supplies power to the vehicle's oxygen sensor heater circuit, as well as acting as a circuit breaker that shuts off the fuel and ignition systems when the computer detects that the engine is no longer running. Like most electrical components, the ASD relay is subject to the natural wear and tear associated with normal life and failure can cause problems for the entire vehicle. Usually, when the ASD relay fails or there is a problem, the car will display several symptoms that can alert the driver to a problem that needs to be fixed.

One of the most common symptoms of a bad ASD relay is an engine that starts but stalls almost immediately or at random times. The ASD relay supplies power to the vehicle's ignition coils and fuel injectors, which are one of the most important components of the entire engine management system.

If the ASD has any issues that are interfering with its ability to supply power to the injectors, coils, or any other circuits it may be powering, then those components may not be working properly and problems may occur. A vehicle with a faulty or defective ASD relay may stall immediately after starting or randomly during operation.

2. Engine won't start

Another sign of a bad ASD relay is an engine that won't start at all. Because many engine control systems are wired together, if any of the circuits that the ASD relay provides power should fail as a result of an ASD relay failure, the other circuits, one of which is the start circuit, may be affected. A bad ASD relay can indirectly, and sometimes directly, cause the start circuit to be without power, resulting in no start when the key is turned.

3. Check Engine light comes on.

Another sign of a possible problem with the ASD relay is a lit Check Engine light. If the computer detects that there is a problem with the ASD relay or circuit, it will illuminate the Check Engine light to alert the driver to the problem. The Check Engine Light can also be activated for a variety of other reasons, so it's important to scan your car for trouble codes to determine the exact cause of the problem.

Because the ASD relay supplies power to some of the most important engine control components, it is a very important part of the vehicle's overall functionality. For this reason, if you suspect that the ASD relay has failed or there is a problem, have the vehicle serviced by a professional technician, such as AvtoTachki, to determine if the vehicle needs to be replaced with the auto shutdown relay or if there is another problem. needs to be resolved.

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