Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Cabin Air Filter
Auto repair

Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Cabin Air Filter

Poor airflow and an unusual smell may indicate that it's time to replace your cabin air filter.

The cabin air filter is a filter responsible for filtering the air supplied to the vehicle's heating and air conditioning systems. The filter traps dust, pollen and other foreign particles, preventing them from entering the car and polluting the interior. Because they work in much the same way as a regular engine air filter, cabin air filters become dirty and must be replaced when excessively dirty or at regular service intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Usually, a dirty cabin air filter causes several symptoms that may alert the driver that attention may be needed.

Bad air flow

The most common symptom associated with a bad cabin air filter is poor airflow from the vehicle's internal vents. An overly dirty cabin filter will not be able to filter the incoming air as effectively as a clean one. As a result, this will restrict the airflow for the air conditioning system. It will also cause the vents to blow with noticeably less force, reducing the overall cooling capacity of the AC system as well as putting extra stress on the AC fan motor.

Unusual smell from ventilation

Another sign of a bad or faulty cabin air filter is an unusual smell coming from the vehicle's internal air vents. An excessively dirty filter may emit a dusty, dirty or musty odor. The smell may increase when the air is turned on and create discomfort in the cabin for passengers.

The cabin air filter is a simple component that should be replaced when needed to keep the air conditioning system running at peak efficiency and the passenger compartment as comfortable as possible. If you suspect that your cabin filter may be dirty, have your vehicle checked by a professional technician such as AvtoTachki to determine if your vehicle needs a cabin filter replacement.

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