Symptoms indicating the presence of water in the gas tank

Symptoms indicating the presence of water in the gas tank

The presence of water in the gas tank will cause your vehicle to not operate properly and this will lead to numerous driving faults. I might not even start the car if there's a good amount

All internal combustion vehicles have a tank, and this is only for storing fuel, no other liquid should go there. 

Under no circumstances should there be water in the gas tank, because gasoline and water don't mix and cars don't run on water. Determining the presence of water in the tank with the naked eye can be a little difficult, but the vehicle will exhibit symptoms such as jerking and jerking, among other problems that do not indicate the presence of water in the fuel.

It is best to know the symptoms and make the necessary repairs as soon as possible. 

In this way, here we have collected some symptoms indicating the presence of water in the gas tank.

1.- Performance issues

The car does not accelerate and starts to twitch or stall, the more you accelerate, the malfunction becomes larger.

Water in the fuel tricks sensors like the MAF into thinking that a certain amount of fuel is entering the combustion chamber. In fact, only part of it is real fuel, and the rest is water.

This confusion causes the air/fuel mixture to perform poorly.

2. Fundamental changes in work

The motor will run perfectly today and tomorrow, but then, when the water starts to rise, it will not start at all. You may notice a difference when you first start it up, but it will be more noticeable when driving and accelerating.

3.- White smoke white exhaust smoke

The water will be injected as if it were gasoline and will have access to the combustion chamber or exhaust system, it will naturally evaporate and generate steam. This will give the impression that a fair amount of white smoke is coming out of the exhaust pipe.

4.- Difficult to turn on or not turn on 

When starting a car, a good mixture between air and fuel is required, but since there is water in the tank, there will not be enough fuel to start the car.

If there is not enough fuel in the spark plugs to light them, it is even possible that if there is enough water in the fuel, the car will simply not start.

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