Security Systems
Security Systems

Security Systems

Security Systems Polish drivers love to buy cars equipped with ESP, ASR and ABS safety systems, although they have no idea how they work and what they are for, according to the Road Safety and Skills of Polish Drivers Report prepared by Pentor Research International for Skoda Auto Polska SA

Polish drivers love to buy cars equipped with ESP, ASR and ABS safety systems, although they have no idea how they work and what they are for, according to the Road Safety and Skills of Polish Drivers Report prepared by Pentor Research International for Skoda Auto Polska SA

Most car buyers are men and they don't like to admit their Security Systems technical ignorance. In addition, all letter abbreviations seem to be synonymous with professional solutions,” explains Rafal Janovich from the Poznań branch of Pentor Research International.

Therefore, as drivers, we have confidence in the safety systems, even if we cannot use them. As many as 79 percent of those surveyed by Pentor believe that ABS will save their lives in the event of an accident, but 1/3 of those surveyed admit that they do not know how to use the system.

Much more, as much as 77 percent. respondents do not know how to use the ASR and ESP systems. “However, even knowing about ABS, ASR and ESP is not enough,” emphasizes Tomasz Placzek, Training Manager at the Driving School. – Modern driver error correction systems work automatically, but you need to know how to use them. This is especially true of ABS - a system that prevents wheel slip during heavy braking.

ABS does shorten the braking distance, but on the condition that in a critical situation the driver presses the brake pedal with all his might and presses it all the way, i.e. to stop the car or avoid an obstacle and return to a safe track - adds Tomasz Placzek.

“There is a sharp discrepancy between the level of safety of modern cars and the level of awareness and skills of their users,” confirms Peter Ziganki, head of the ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg instructor center, content partner of the Driving School.

– To fully utilize the capabilities of ABS or ESP, both knowledge and training are required. Unfortunately, most owners of cars with these systems do not even bother to read the instructions. It is only during safe driving training that we open their eyes to how to avoid an accident by braking with ABS, and how to correctly fasten a seat belt or adjust a head restraint so that these useful devices are really effective,” Ziganki adds. 

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