How much gasoline does it take to turn on the air conditioner in a car?

How much gasoline does it take to turn on the air conditioner in a car?

You don't have to drive in hot weather to save some money, there are tricks to using your air conditioner that can make it more efficient.

The hot season can be tricky, and while it takes a toll on your pockets, air conditioning at home and in your car is a must. But we don't know if using the air conditioner actually causes the car to consume more gas than usual.

There are drivers who refuse to turn on the air conditioner even when the temperature is too high, referring to the fact that the air conditioner consumes too much gasoline.

The reality is that in the processair conditioner there is a compressor that requires a little more effort from the motor to make it work, this is extra effort, I will definitely use more gas.

In short, the answer is simple, use the air conditioner, it consumes more gasoline than usual. But there are more positive points that should be considered before completely turning off the air conditioner.

Turning on the car's air conditioner while driving does reduce the fuel efficiency of the car, but only by an average of 3 miles per gallon (mpg) depending on the type of car and year of manufacture.

However, to save some money you don't have to drive too hot, there are methods of using the air conditioner that can improve its efficiency.

  • Use the air conditioner only when driving over 39 mph.
  • Use the right temperature to feel comfortable.
  • Keep your car out of the sun so it doesn't overheat and turn on the air conditioner.
  • When you go on a march, drive with the windows open for a couple of minutes to let hot air out and make it easier for the air conditioner to work.
  • In a study conducted Society of Automotive Engineers The United States found that gas is consumed while using the air conditioner, driving at high speed with the windows open, has a stronger effect on fuel consumption,

    This means that if you are driving on the highway and in order not to use the air conditioning, you roll down the windows of your car, You will spend a lot more gasoline.

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