How much does it cost to start an electric car? "Fuel" (energy): PLN 3,4 / 100 km, 30 km each
Electric cars

How much does it cost to start an electric car? "Fuel" (energy): PLN 3,4 / 100 km, 30 km each

Fanpage My Ioniq has compiled a summary of the cost of operating the Hyundai Ioniq Electric in less than two years at a distance of 30 kilometers. Electricity costs show that 100 km costs the owner PLN 3,44, but that's not all. Let's look at the numbers ...

Hyundai Ioniq Electric is an electric car with a battery capacity of 28 kWh and an actual flight range of 200 kilometers. People interested in this model should definitely check out the My Ioniq and Ryjeks EV fan pages. The information below is taken from the first mentioned website (source).

According to the estimates of the owner of Ioniqa Electric, the total cost of operating the vehicle after 30 kilometers was PLN 000.... This means a cost of PLN 25 per kilometer. What were they made of?

  • Cost of OC, AC and NNW insurance for 2 years: PLN 5,
  • The cost of two examinations (obligatory every 15 thousand kilometers): PLN 615 (= 252 + 363),
  • energy costs: 1 zł.

As the author of the fan page himself says, the most serious expense is insurance, which even an economical electric drive cannot cope with. However, the amount of energy used is interesting: PLN 1 for 033,19 km means PLN 3,44 / 100 km... And this is taking into account the costs of producing the CEZ card used in the Czech Republic!

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If the car owner had preferred a fuel efficient internal combustion engine to an electric car, they probably wouldn't have used less than 5,5 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers. This means that with a mileage of 30 7,8 kilometers, the trip will cost him about PLN 4,7 thousand (at a price of PLN 7 per liter). The costs of driving an electric car are 8 to XNUMX times lower.

Photo: owner of the Hyundai Ioniq Electric fan page (c) My Ioniq

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