How much does a mechanic in Hawaii earn?
Auto repair

How much does a mechanic in Hawaii earn?

If you love automotive technology, then working as an auto mechanic makes a lot of sense. Of course, you want to know how much you can expect for an auto mechanic salary in the state of Hawaii. The national average for auto mechanics is just over $40,000, but a mechanic in Hawaii can expect to earn an average of $42,830, which is slightly above the national average as a whole. With that said, this is just an average. There are quite a few different factors that will affect your earnings, starting with your education, training, and certification.

The key to getting into the industry as an auto mechanic is graduating from auto mechanic school. Typically, these are short courses designed to teach you the basics of what you need to know for an entry-level job in the industry. There are actually several schools in Hawaii where you can get these skills, including the following:

  • Lee Community College
  • Honolulu Community College
  • Hawaii Community College

Upon completion of the coursework, you will receive a certificate and gain the knowledge you need to get started. However, your training and education should not end there. You can and should earn higher certifications. ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification is the industry's gold standard, and you'll find that both dealerships and private shops are willing to pay more for an ASE-certified handyman. There are quite a few different certification courses you can take that will allow you to specialize and potentially earn an even higher auto mechanic salary.

If you intend to work with a branded dealership rather than a private store, you should also consider taking dealer certification courses. More and more automakers are now requiring mechanics working at branded dealerships to complete dealer certification courses. These courses focus on the technology and design used in the automaker's vehicles, so taking the course will allow you to specialize much more.

Increase your income by working as a mobile mechanic.

Once you have completed your initial training, complete higher level certification courses. Also pay attention to where you are applying for auto mechanic jobs. With planning and care, you can start a rewarding career that offers a very good annual salary.

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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