How much does a Mechanic make in Arkansas
Auto repair

How much does a Mechanic make in Arkansas

If you are considering an automotive technician job in Arkansas, you need to know the basic facts about the job. For example, what can you earn? What is needed to make this work? Is there a way to increase earnings? These are important questions because the earnings of a mechanic job depend on where they are performed, what level of training the mechanic has, and whether he or she has certifications and special skills.

What will you do as a mechanic in Arkansas? Nationally, mechanics earn between $31 and over $41, but earnings in Arkansas range from $38 for the average earner to $66 for the highest paid mechanics.

Why the difference? This, as we said, is related to the location, as well as the level of training. While it would be great if skilled mechanics and auto mechanics could make money based on these skills, everyone needs to get certified and take formal training. Learning experiences in the classroom, online, and on the job tend to increase earnings significantly. So, if you want to work as an auto mechanic with high earnings, you will need auto mechanic training.

Training Increases Earning Potential in Arkansas

To earn the highest possible salary for auto mechanic positions in Arkansas, you need certifications or you must build on pre-existing training.

There are currently 27 schools in the state of Arkansas that provide training for automotive technicians. These range from six-month programs at colleges such as Arkansas State University and Ouachitas College, but there are also two-year degree programs at the College of the Ozarks and others. Enrolling in any of these programs gives you the opportunity to become certified in a specific area of ​​auto repair or maintenance. The longer the programs and the deeper the training, the higher your financial potential.

This is because employers place a high value on specialized knowledge and skills. Specifically, National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence certifications, also referred to as ASE certifications. Conducted through testing on specific topics, they may eventually qualify you as the top-earning auto mechanic in Arkansas.

They focus on nine specific topics: brakes, engine repair, heating and air conditioning, manual transmission and axles, suspension, steering, electrical systems, engine performance, passenger car diesel engines, and automatic transmissions for cars and trucks.

Teaching at a technical school outside of Arkansas

Of course, there are schools outside of Arkansas, including trade and vocational schools, colleges, and formal mechanic schools. The latter provide the most focused and specialized training, allowing you to start working as a mechanic after graduation.

Among the best training options for auto mechanics is UTI Universal Technical Institute. Offering a 51-week automotive technology training program, it provides one full year in addition to the two years required to become a master mechanic. UTI also offers Manufacturer Development Courses where students receive authorized training for leading manufacturers such as Toyota, Nissan, MINI, Ford and many more. Participation in such programs usually means employer sponsorship, although it is not required.

To earn the most as a mechanic in Arkansas, you need to focus on auto mechanic training. If you want a career as an auto mechanic, this is the perfect path to follow.

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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