How much does a mechanic in New Hampshire make?
Auto repair

How much does a mechanic in New Hampshire make?

While it may be a small state, New Hampshire actually has quite a few open positions for automotive technicians. Industry is growing rapidly in the northeast, and you will find that you can actually earn very good wages here. The average salary for an auto mechanic nationwide is approximately $37,000. In New Hampshire, the median salary is actually significantly higher at $44,740. Moreover, this figure is only an average. There are quite a few professions in the state that pay more. Of course, you need to start on the right foot to make sure you have the best chance of landing one of those high paying automotive tech jobs.

Study yourself before applying for a job

The first step to getting a profitable and rewarding job is to train as an auto mechanic. There are many options available here, including national schools such as UTI. However, New Hampshire also has community colleges and technical schools. Some of the options available include the following:

  • Manchester Community College
  • Nashua Community College
  • Lakes Region Community College

Taking a one-year course at one of these schools will give you the knowledge and skills you need to work at an entry-level job in a repair shop or dealership. You may also choose to work at a brake and exhaust center or any other related location in the wider industry.

However, do not think that your education and training is over when you complete the initial course. While this will be enough to get you started, if you really want to earn a higher auto mechanic salary, you will need to do more. Obtaining ASE certifications is the next step. You can start with one or more of the small specialty courses offered and work your way up to becoming an ASE Certified Master Technician. Employers are happy to pay much higher wages to ASE craftsmen because of their vastly greater experience and knowledge. This will open not only options with higher pay, but also new vacancies with other employers.

Some mechanics may be wise to obtain a dealer certification. This is especially true if you want to work in a New Hampshire company office. Many automakers partner with their dealer partners to ensure that their technicians are fully trained and aware of their specific systems and technologies, and this can help you make more money at the dealership.

Increase your income by working as a mobile mechanic.

While auto mechanics in New Hampshire can make good money, your best bet is to plan ahead and get educated before you start.

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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