How much does a mechanic in Utah earn?
Auto repair

How much does a mechanic in Utah earn?

Have you always had a passion for cars? Do you like the idea of ​​working with your hands? Have you been looking for an automotive technician job in Utah and wish you were qualified? If so, it might be time to look a little deeper into becoming an automotive mechanic. Of course, before you get down the rabbit hole, you need to get a better idea of ​​how much a mechanic can earn in Utah. It is important to keep in mind that the amount of money a person can earn as a mechanic will vary depending on their location in the country, as well as a number of other factors such as the certifications they hold.

In the United States, the average salary for a mechanic is between $31,000 and $41,000 a year. Keep in mind that this is an average salary, and some mechanics can earn a substantial amount more. In Utah, mechanics earn slightly more than in many other states of the country. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual wage for mechanics in the state is $40,430. Some mechanics in the state make over $63,500 a year.

Apprenticeship as an auto mechanic

Of course, before you can get a job in this field, you need to be trained so you know what you're doing. You can find college programs as well as vocational schools and specialty schools in the state and in other states where you may want to go to study. Utah has several programs for auto mechanics. Of course, some may want to visit out-of-state locations to work out. One of the most popular schools is UTI, the Universal Technical Institute. They offer a 51 week course that provides students with everything they need to get started in the field. They will learn basic engine systems, braking systems, computerized controls and more.

Training locations in Utah include the following:

  • Eastern Utah Price College
  • Davis College of Applied Technology
  • Mountain Land College of Applied Technology
  • Utah Valley University
  • Weber State University

Get certified to increase your income potential

In addition to basic training, you may want to pursue an ASE certification or an Automotive Service Excellence certification. The National Automotive Service Quality Institute is certified in nine different areas, including brakes, automatic transmission and transmission, engine repair, suspension and steering, engine operation, heating and air conditioning, passenger car diesel engines, electrical and electronic systems, and mechanical transmission. and axes. Those who are certified in all of these areas can become ASE Master Technicians.

Getting certified and upgrading your skills can provide some great benefits. First, it makes you more attractive to employers who are looking for mechanics to add to the list. Secondly, it can greatly increase your income potential.

Work with AvtoTachki in Utah

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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