How much does a mechanic in South Carolina earn?
Auto repair

How much does a mechanic in South Carolina earn?

Have you always wanted to be an auto mechanic? Finding a suitable automotive technician job will be difficult if you don't have the proper training and knowledge behind your belt. While having a degree may not be required, you will find that employers are much less likely to want to hire you if you don't have a good solid foundation.

Of course, a job as a mechanic can be very rewarding because you will do what you love and also get a decent wage for your work. Keep in mind that the actual amount of money earned by mechanics by country can vary greatly. The average salary for mechanics is between $31,000 and $41,000. Some may earn significantly more depending on the amount of training, certifications and location.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in South Carolina, the median annual salary for an auto mechanic is $36,250. Those in the high earning bracket of the state can earn up to $57,000.

Increase your earning potential with additional training

Everyone wants to increase the amount of money they could earn. In addition to the basic training needed to get the job done, it is also possible to earn certifications that can improve your skills or knowledge in certain areas and therefore make you more valuable to employers. One of the most common methods of value enhancement is the certification by the National Automotive Institute.

These are called ASE certificates and are available in various categories. Categories include electronic systems, engine performance, manual transmission and axles, diesel engines, engine repair, heating and air conditioning, brakes, automatic transmission and transmission, and suspension and steering.

Why do you want to be certified in each of these different areas? If you have certification in all of the above areas through ASE, you will be certified as a Master Mechanic. This can greatly increase your earning potential and make you more desirable when you are looking for a new job.

Training options for auto mechanics

There are several different options when it comes to learning how to work with automotive technicians. Many in South Carolina can find vocational schools and some even start as early as high school so people can start their education. There are also colleges offering various types of automotive programs and specialized schools specifically for automotive technicians. One school that several people have decided to go to is UTI or Universal Technical Institute.

Although this school does not have a campus in South Carolina, it does have campuses in other parts of the country, including North Carolina. They offer a 51-week program that will teach you how to diagnose, as well as service and repair both foreign and domestic vehicles. Those who want to have the best chance of getting a well-paid job in the automotive industry need to get proper training. With good preparation comes great jobs and much higher pay.

Below are some schools to consider:

  • Midlands Technical College
  • Spartanburg Community College
  • Trident Technical College
  • York Technical College
  • Piedmont Technical School

Work at AvtoTachki

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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