Creaky, creaky, loud wipers. Is there a way to do this?
Machine operation

Creaky, creaky, loud wipers. Is there a way to do this?

The creaking and creaking of the wipers is a problem that can drive even the most patient driver crazy. There can be many reasons for unpleasant sounds, so you should first find their source, especially since the noise is often associated with a deterioration in the collection of water from glass. Find out how to deal with the most common causes of squeaky wipers from our article.

What will you learn from this post?

  • What are the most common causes of windshield wipers noise?
  • Why is it worth regularly checking the condition of the wipers?
  • How do I care for wipers to extend their lifespan?

Shortly speaking

The most common cause of squeaky wipers is dirt on the windshield or worn blades - in both cases, fixing the problem is very simple.... A less obvious cause of unpleasant sounds can also be bad rubber, damaged glass, corroded hinges, or deformation of the arm. In order for the wipers to serve us for a long time, it is worth cleaning them regularly, defrosting them delicately and using good quality washer fluid.

Creaky, creaky, loud wipers. Is there a way to do this?

Dirty glass

The search for the source of the noise should begin with a thorough cleaning of the windshield.... Wipers often creak and squeak due to accumulation of dirt that they cannot remove on their own. Unpleasant sounds can be caused by sand or greasy and sticky deposits such as tree sap, body wax residues, soot or tar used in asphalt production.

Wiper blades worn out

Windshield wiper wear is one of the most common causes of unpleasant noises. Exposure to UV rays, temperature changes and other external factors rubber loses its properties over time... This leads to hardening and crushing, which in turn leads to poor adhesion, rebounding from the glass and generating unpleasant noises. Worn wipers not only cause discomfort for the driver and passengers, but are also less effective at collecting water and impair visibility.... For this reason, it is recommended that you regularly check the condition of your wiper blades and replace them when alarming symptoms appear.

Installation and installation of wipers

Even new wipers can squeak and squeak if the blades stick to the windshield at the wrong angle. This can be due to poor quality rubber, improper fit, deformation of the hand, or the wrong adapter that attaches the tongue to the hand. The problem will be solved by adjusting the wiper arm, buying high-quality brushes or correct assembly.

Creaky, creaky, loud wipers. Is there a way to do this?

Glass damage

Squeaks and squeaks can also be caused by damage to the glass surface... Chips and scratches can be so small that they are difficult to see with the naked eye. However, the uneven movement affects the movement of the wipers, causing an unpleasant noise. Depending on the degree of damage, the glass can be replaced or regenerated, i.e. fill with plastic in a specialized workshop.

Hinge corrosion

The hinges, like the rubber wiper blades, are also subject to wear.... If corrosion is the source of the unpleasant sounds, the rusty elements should be thoroughly cleaned and then protected with a special agent that will delay the recurrence of the problem in time.

How to prolong the life of wipers?

In order for the wiper blades to last as long as possible, they should be properly looked after. First of all, you should regularly remove dirt from the windshield and wipe the rubber feather with a cloth. We never run the wipers dryas this may damage them or scratch the glass surface. In winter, when defrosting a car, you should take special care, because it is then when you try to remove a frozen wiper, the rubber is most often damaged. Also, do not skimp on windshield washer fluid. - the cheapest ones may contain aggressive substances that dissolve rubber. The same applies to buying new wipers - inexpensive items in the supermarket usually have a short service life.

Also check:

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Are you looking for quality wiper blades or good washer fluid? Everything you need can be found at

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