Reducing the cost of an electric car - is it worth the investment?
Electric cars

Reducing the cost of an electric car - is it worth the investment?

For millennia, people have invested their money in all sorts of things - gold, art, real estate, oil, and even cars. Today we will focus on the latter and try to answer the question, is an electrician a good investment of our capital and what does the loss of its value look like in comparison with internal combustion vehicles?

The day has finally come when we can pick up our dream car from the car dealership. Satisfied, we get inside, start a fire and drive dynamically through the exit gate. At that moment, the cost of our car fell just as dynamically - at least by 10%. Of course, we are talking about a car with a gasoline or diesel engine ... By the end of the year, this decline will be less than 20%. In two years, it will be almost 50% of the original cost. In the case of electricians, the same is true - you can even say that their percentage will be even less. Why?

Fear of new products - how much are electric cars losing value?

Exactly! Electric cars are getting cheaper a little more than their competitors by Internal combustion engine (by 2-3%). This is because they newcomers to the market - the overwhelming majority have not even turned 10 years old. Opinion polls show that we fear costly battery repairs or low mileage. The purchase price of new copies scares me. However, keep in mind that most of these arguments are myths repeated by third parties - yes, new batteries for electric vehicles. they are expensive - usually PLN 20 must be taken into account. However, with proper operation, they can serve us even for several decades. For those who say that the electric version is always more expensive than the internal version, let's take a look at the new Audi e-tron - this year's models compared to the A000 with the 6 TDI diesel engine may be cheaper by several thousand zlotys. !

Reducing the cost of an electric vehicle - is it worth the investment?
New Audi e-tron with 408 hp engine could cost less than an Audi A6 with a 240 hp diesel. - shock!

Combustion vehicles, on the other hand, have been on the market for over 100 years, and we know what to expect from them, what they struggle with, how many examples of this model have been produced so far and how many more will be built. ... In addition, there are unique limited editions such as the BMW M3 CSL with prices reaching PLN 200. However, they generate maintenance costs that can turn your head, and it is not about brakes or oil maintenance, but sometimes also about engine, suspension or gearbox repairs, which can fluctuate in the tens of thousands of zlotys. If we want to earn something, we often have to invest a lot in it.

Is it worth investing in an ecological alternative?

Of course! Let's not forget that in 2021, trends will begin to gradually change, we will see a stream of new models of electric vehicles, including limited editions. According to experts, in a few years the downward trend in cost will begin to change. in favor of electric vehicles ... There will also be much more efficient batteries, and many more fast charging stations will be created, which will eliminate the problem of range. It should also be remembered that saving on such a car is also a return on investment. Every year we have in our pockets from several to several thousand zlotys. It is unlikely that any Jungtimer can bring such a profit.

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