Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Delaware
Auto repair

Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Delaware

Delaware has some of the strictest laws regarding mobile phone use. In fact, drivers are prohibited from using pagers, PDAs, laptops, games, Blackberries, laptops and mobile phones while driving. In addition, drivers are not allowed to use the Internet, email, write, read or send text messages while driving. However, drivers using hands-free devices are free to make phone calls while driving on the road.

Delaware became the 8th state to ban handheld cell phones and the 30th to ban texting while driving. There are certain exceptions to this law that include emergencies.


  • No texting while driving for people of all ages
  • Drivers can make phone calls using the speakerphone, as long as this does not include using their hand to operate the speakerphone function.


  • Firefighter, emergency medical technician, paramedic, law enforcement officer, or other ambulance operator
  • Drivers use a mobile phone to report an accident, traffic accident, fire or other emergency.
  • Message about an inadequate driver
  • Using the speakerphone


  • First violation - $50.
  • The second violation and subsequent violations are between $100 and $200.

Data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that between 2004 and 2012, the number of drivers holding a cell phone to their ear was between five and six percent. Since the mobile phone ban went into effect in 2011, over 54,000 mobile phone references have been made.

The state of Delaware takes mobile phone laws very seriously and regularly quotes drivers. If you need to make phone calls while driving, use a speakerphone. This applies to drivers of all ages. The only exception is emergency situations. It is recommended that you pull over to the side of the road in a safe place to make phone calls rather than being distracted while driving.

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