Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in New Mexico
Auto repair

Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in New Mexico

New Mexico has more relaxed laws when it comes to using cell phones and texting while driving. A driver with a learner's or intermediate license is prohibited from texting or talking on a cell phone while driving. Those who have a regular operator license have no restrictions.


  • A driver with a learner's license is not allowed to use a mobile phone or text messages while driving.
  • A driver with an intermediate license cannot use a mobile phone or text messages while driving.
  • All other drivers can use mobile phone or text messages while driving.

While there is no statewide ban on texting and driving, some cities have local ordinances that prohibit using a cell phone or sending text messages while driving. These cities include:

  • Albuquerque
  • Santa Fe
  • Las Cruces
  • Gallup
  • Taos
  • Hispaniola

If a police officer catches you texting while driving or using a cell phone when you should not be using it, you can be stopped without committing any other violation. If you get caught in one of the cities that ban mobile phones or text messages, the fine can be up to $50.

Just because the state of New Mexico doesn't have a ban on using a cell phone or texting while driving doesn't mean it's a good idea. Distracted drivers are much more likely to have an accident. For your safety and the safety of those around you, put your mobile phone away or stop by the side of the road if you need to make a phone call.

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